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Reviews for "Handmation"

REALLY well done

This really, REALLY good. I had actually JUST had an idea for something like this this morning. I decided it would be too hard and I couldn't do it, but, you can, and you did it unbelievable well. Nice job, I'm gonna check out your other stuff.

Good handly work!!!

King of magicians triks and a hand that appears and disappears coins!!! Ha!!! that's very original(at least for me), I like how you manipulate the money!!! If I could do that I will give money to all here!!! Keep up the pretty nice work!!!


I agree with the last guy

That was really cool :O I think I might google the commercial to see what you were talking about. hm.. If I could shoot coins out of my fingertips. I would use my power for evil... Oh. I'd find a way.


I must say, I truly do like this one. Great job with the coins. My only regret is after watching this, I want to be able to shoot and manipulate coins from my finger tips. Oh well, some day... (Keep up the good work!)

very good!!

i like this!!! man, you are good with the flash obiously. i like thi because you used animation to make the ilution that you were actualy manipulating the coins!!!!!