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Reviews for "How KK Cartoons are Made!"

cool one

a little bit random overall, but nice job in making fun of the KK.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Thanks man, I have no idea what you gave a 1 for violence for though.

Once again,

I will vote 5 on any anti-KK flash everyday just to keep it alive.

kitty-and-meander responds:

As do I, even as bad as most are.

I will stand with you!

I with all of the people who agree with you. These Kitty Krew people DO love to flood the portal and spam it up, just like Star Syndicate, Cereal, and all of these lowlife fadruccers who go above the portal rules and avoid facts. Your right, we definently need to make a stand. From posting pic only flashes, fake hentai flashes, Copying off Foamy and Phenox Right, dissing Wade Fulp and all of this nonsence has got to go.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Your very opinionated and very RIGHT. Good job.

this is...

EXACTLY what the KK is about. Don't forget about Cereal. It's just as bad. I say it because Cereal might be a man or a woman...its profile's a bit vague. Anyway, I like this flash for what it is. Whatever it is.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Yeah it's a bit twisted I know, and not really my style. I can't say I'm familiar with Cereal but I have heard OF him.


Well, it wasn't much better than the movies you're trying to get rid of. In fact, for entertainment value, I'd rather watch one of their movies.

No one I know cares about the Kitty Krew/Crew/whatever it is. Eventually they will get bored and then people will forget about them. Just let them die.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Yes but we want to speed up the process. And at least my cartoon was more then a loop of 10 frames and a crap song!