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Reviews for "How KK Cartoons are Made!"


This movie is star quality!

kill the kk

we must join together to get rid of the kitty krew!


Another person bashing the Kitty Krew. I happen to like the Kitty Krew. If you don't like them don't watch them.. The best part of this is "meow, meow, I'm a kitty."


This is what we need to do i hate the Kitty Krew im with you on this


by the way i totally agree with the last guy who reveiwed this.
make the [kk] kkk, cuz i would join too

(i just dont think it should be called the [kk] kkk though, it still has kkk in it)
so really, think about it


kitty-and-meander responds:

Eh, thanks for the review, it's greatly appreciated, but they aren't worth our time. This cartoon was barely worth making.