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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"

Pacman pwned Strawberry Clock

Im glad you put a lot of time and effort into this flash, because I think it turned out pretty good. I also like the new way Strawberry Clock walks. I hope you make more clock flashes because I would watch them for sure. Keep up the goodwork man.

Great animation, but...

...it reminds me of Ren and Stimpy. Meaning it's... kinda gross o_o;... You're an awesome animator, don't get me wrong. It's just that this isn't the sort of thing I can stomach XD. Overall, I'd give this a 5.

This has the highest score on newgrounds!

It has .02 more then the YuYu! Making it the best flash on newgrounds!

Xbox 360 winner here

I only have one word to describe this: GODLY!!!!!


The graphics and animation had a "Ren and Stimpy" style to it, although your graphics were probably better.

Cool, I like it :)