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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


Really fun, I didn't notice anything bad, except maybe an option in the music played... if there was one, I didn't see it.

Great though.

HAH. best looking game in a while.

It was a great game. it was innovative, fresh, and creative. it was good and i rarely say that.


This game is unique to me, I have never seen anything else like this.
I started playing at 9:44am and I stopped at 10:57am. Great game , it got me hooked for a while.


All i have to say is that u did a great job! Thanks to you I like the Space Golf Games now just a little bit better, when I didn't at all. Although it was a Fucking Alsome Game there are a few things that you could work on. For one you could work on having even better music than you had. Secound you could have had a lot of differat planets, although you did u could have had more. And last you could have had a border in some areas so some people wouldn't get screwed so bad all the time. So im gonna give you a Five! And your over all score is 9.4

good graphics

it's got great graphics. I kinda suck at it though. :P