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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


It was okay. Fun for like a few minites. It was really well done, but its been donw before many times.


Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing game... I just sucked hard at it. I am really bad at this game. I got so angry on some holes, I made a par 3 in 15 shots :P. Extremely challenging, and fun unless you suck at it like me. xD

Gooood Job!

Nice play, plot, relativity and actionscript! I could score #54 online, wee! :)


awsome...the physics were a little off and it can be hard sometimes but i really like it....great job

Dogeclock: 71,000,000+ twice


Great game man, 10/10... nice
i got 342,022 in one hole o.o