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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


nice game. there arnt a lot of good outer space golfin games but now theres yours.

34,229,544 baby =P

lol it was fun seeing the ball like zoom everywhere n get into the hole on the first try but then when it gets to a point where the ball is bouncing in teh same spot for like 5 minutes, that's when i start to lose interest but not all games are perfect =] i dunno if my score got sent though =[ o well good game


this game was truly unique, i loved it and i played through all 36 courses, it got a bit frustrating at times but what good games dont, it was a GREAT game and i reccomend that u make more like it but possibly less hard and mabey different obsticles (and more tubes)


yea cause megadragonlord likes it good and hard, dont ya! lmao..... good game

fun :D

why is everyone saying its hard? i completed it had over 30mil points :)