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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


This is a good golf game,you cant find many games like this very often.Great job.

Hard To Figure out

I must have pushed every button on this keyboard and i just couldnt figure out the gameplay. it was very frustrating.

Original, but unpredictable

It's a cool and original concept, but I didn't find Galactic Golf to be that fun. It's a nice combination of Gravity Wars and mini golf.

I would've enjoyed this more if the maps were bigger and if there were a tracking feature to show the trajectories of your previous shots.

Golf in space!? Well lemme see - no, play - it!!

A cool concept: golf in space. Highly exaggerated game based on this concept but hey, it's about the fun. And fun this game brings.

Graphics: 9/10 - this game looked good and had the trickyness and excitement of physics in it, which affected the flightpath of the ball (but also allowed me to rack up a freefall bonus on an early level into the millions - and also had a good multipler, too).

Style: 9/10 - style was very much under par (good thing; hey, it IS golf). I liked it. Simple controls and simple rules. Though tricky to get the ball in the (black) hold at times, especially the last level, where it took me 25 shots! Goddamn you gravity!

Sound: 8/10 - good sound and music though music was off; all I heard were neat explosions when a planet went boom. Strange...since there's no sound in space. Meh, what can you do?

Violence: 1/10 - well blowing up a planet is violent, more so if it's populated. However, since I'm assuming they're not (otherwise it's a sick, sick universe, you know, since the spectators in the millions are enjoying such an action), the Violence gets a score of 1 (0 if there were no bombs and such).

Interactivity: 8/10 - well, it is a game so that implies interaction. Requires strategic (though usually trial and error) manipulation of the power and trajectory of the ball, while taking into consideration the obstacles in the way and their gravitic influence on the ball (in some cases, those influences are moving, and in others they're randomly appearing and disappearing). Not too taxing on the body; the mind, however, is a different story altogether, me thinks.

Humor: 4/10 - maybe blowing up planets and playing golf in space in real-life would be humorous, too? You decide; I have: moderately humorous.

Overall: 9/10 - a class game, with added sweetness and a pinch of uberness, coded to perfection (though not quite achieving it). Definitely worth an entire round, at least (36 holes of mayhem).

Added game stat notes:

->Black hole-in-ones: 2 (in the 1st-and-only round). W00t w00t!

->Highest freefall bonus: in the millions (bringing my total level score to over 5 million - I believe I had a 4x multiplier bonus contributing to that score), and I think it was level 6 (definitely an early level anyway).

->Lowest under-par bonus: 4 (a later hole; different from black hole-in-ones).

->Highest over-par penalty: 20 (last hole; it's a biatch. Seriously).

->Highest multiplier: x16 (only on one level).

->Most bounces (any one level): 8 (I think).

->Most planets destroyed (any one level): 3.

Other stats not really important (minor bonuses and such).

What are you waiting for - go play golf. In space. GGG-style!

Very fun but can get soooo frustrating

Tonnes of fun, best mini golf game around, keep up the good work