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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


Great game,must play it now :)

oh yes

this game was sweet and i am not a big fan of golf


this is great...the first time i try it i got 25 million plus score the 2nd time i try it i got 42 million plus score and i was shock....wad if anyone ever hit a 16x and get a hole in one....lol the score is unlimited...for this game


theres 2 things i love about this game, minigolf and space antics
do you remember te epp. of red dwarf where they do this with pool to plug a white hole brillient TOP BANANA no joke and so many levels !!

my score was 23 536 025 im in love

Not my cup of tea

I didn't really find this game as my kinda game. It is really something i would play when i am super bored. It seemed like it took too much thinking in order to do well. It reminded my a lot of this game called Space Penguin, though not as much fun cause there is no penguins