i got little dumb when I was lvl 1595
BUT this is still one of my favorite games this was really fun
(I almost killed the lv 9999)
i got little dumb when I was lvl 1595
BUT this is still one of my favorite games this was really fun
(I almost killed the lv 9999)
Dude, haven't you made a bunch of these?
I'm pretty sure I've seen you make something with this basic idea a bunch of times... but it's still pretty good. Also, all the spells are unlocked for me from the beginning, is that supposed to happen?
wow super easy and super fun.
1 hit kill on lvl 999. this game needs more levels lol. demon pit + highest sword kills anything but lvl 9999. good job though. graphics arn't bad, game was sure fun.
dude this is the shit
i can only say when are you going to do part 2. also can you add more images to choose from. a good RPG is hard to find and i just found one
oh my GOD
put a sword up my ass that was fucking awsome pleasle make one that move and is not finalfantasy battles