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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

Fun, but a little discouraging and annoying

It was a fun game, but kind of discouraging in the respect that you never really got anywhere. You never got any praise from your superiors when you were doing good and you never really seemed to progress. And also.... was it just me, or were the employees sometimes spitting stuff in the food? even the happy ones! it was pretty funny to see the cows get torched. and when i got distracted by msn and went back in time to see 3 cows turn into a pile of bones in the pasture.

Great Game

I have to say it... this is probably one of the best games out there right now. Sure it has its flaws (difficulty level, lack of options, quite redundant), but it is addictive to the point where you pretty much forget about them. Great job, man. Can't wait to see what else you got.

Its good but its hard

Its a good game, it keeps you involved and im sure many more people love this thing. Those graphics are pretty sweet. I like all the options you have to use. The sounds are STRANGE. But its really hard. I wonder why people are taking this game so seriously. It does say, "It is intended solely for the purposes of entertainment and education and in no way is meant to represent actual persons, actions, or events. All scenarios and situations are the product of the creators' imaginations. The content of this game should in no way be constructed as factual." But people are saying like, "This has a hidden message" and what not, i mean maybe it does but thats the creators opinion which he is entitled to and they're not trying to state any facts, as it says in the beginning. I think people like bringing up politics and what not though...Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. "Ahh i hate capitalism, this game is stating the evils of capitalism, blah blah blah" Oh people, lighten up. Its just a game.

no end

Great game man, i played until i had a million dollers then quit because i realised there was no end in sight.

For all those pansies who complain about how hard the game is my advice is... go beat off because its one activity you will find you can always win at.

Good Job

This game is so adictive i played it for 3 hours. Good Job