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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


It was nice to see a wide range of games used....(even ones that only exsist in japan) but there was too many random fart jokes which is a bit anoying and u stoll the donkey kong joke from somewhere.....I think...... also most of the jokes wern't that funny but hey its still good work!

P.S. fix the loading bar!

im really gettin sick of this crap

i like some pixel movies but the newest one i have seen and this one are f@#$king horrible so i give yoe a 5 oout of ten

<(-^_^-)> KIRBY!!!!!!

Im with Hypergamer64

It all seemed a lame attemp of Robot chicken
Only 2 or 3 jokes were clever , and kinda boring
oh , and i didnt got the tetris joke, why was that funny?


Quantity does not equal quality. It just went on and on, mindless unfunny skits.

Okay, but -_____-

Some wery humourous, but nothing to lol about tbh. Bit boring...