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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Hell yeah!

This was indeed long as fuck but it was hilarous every minute of it,this was really great and funny as hell of all the old skool nintendo charcters,excellent job you all. :D

I liked it!

I liked it alot, brought back memories of my nintendo/sega years. Kinda wants to make me bust out my old SNES and play some games. Great job!

that was great!

that was realy good!!! i espetualy likes that link was with the fat ugly one ! LOL keep up the great work!

Two words: screaming monkey.

That alone would've sold me, but you included almost any other possible funny joke to get out of some of these games. The only one I didn't get was the Tetris one. What was the joke in that? I know it had something to do with those blocks.

That was halarious!

Your going to my top favs!

I loved the metroid one! XD Who hasn't wanted to see those things?