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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

It was decent

The only ones I thought were good were SMB2, SMW and Metroid. The others weren't that great.


good movie.. love the snes spoofs....

That was pretty good...

Not bad...I think it's a mixed bag as far as the quality of each skit. I felt that some were really good, while others were lacking. My favorite one was the Earthworm Jim skit, hands down. You should definitely make a sequel to this flash (and bring back the screaming monkey!!)

what the hell

what was this it was just a bunch og crap put into something like on robot chicken, did you get your idea from that? i'll admit some of it was funny but the poop jokes and some of the other crap was just stupid either than that good job..

Not a Piece of Crap.

This is a bunch of Fun to watch, though some..wait no, MOST of the things on here had the potential of being alot funnier. Take the Wario Ware 4 at the end, I was like "WTF is this?" It didn't make me laugh, but just to say, Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario 3 did make me laugh with that Monkey screaming. The Earthbound Joke almost made me Throw up, it wasn't funny, it was just gross. But pretty Much, it's not a Randy Movie, but it's alright.