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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

its alright

but i do pity your feeble attempt to make a Robot Chicken Spin off


Too childish humor
the title sez it all....

Not funny....

That was n were near as funny as skittles and bits....

It was alright

It would have been better if you concentrated your efforts to make each skit as good as it could be, instead of thinking: "Hey, we should add another one!".

One or two made me laugh. The farm one and the frog one come to mind.

3/5 for the work done here, but I think your joke writing could be a whole lot better. Too many "walk-on-and-die" skits and too many fart jokes.

(I rated your style low because 99% of it is not your art)

maybe its just to early

but i wish this had been funny. Im so bored with fart jokes