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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


nice so nice im giving you .75 more points nicely done but i'm really angry for reminiding me of the turles but anyway nice job gets a 4.


Excellent flash, first robot chicken style flash I've seen on ng.

I gave you an 8 on sound because it started going off synch at about the time the guy throws a knife at a stereo.

I'd love to see more stuff like this.


YOU COULD FREAKING MAKE A PROFIT WITH THIS!!! IM TELLING YOU, MAKE IT A SHOW ON NEWGRONDSS!! THE ROBOT CHICKEN ALTER EGO WHICH IS SPRITES< GODDAMN MAN U AN MAKE FREAKING SEASoNS AND U SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE A PROFIT WITH THIS IF U GET A SING IN DEaL WITH SOME CHANNEL OR SOMEHTING THIS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! btw those little raining droplet i recognize from a game but i dunt remember which can u clear t up to me there names and the game they come from please?


it whas okeej, some where cool

Pretty good sprite Flash

The DK64 "Creepy Castle" music in "Super Ghosts and Ghouls" skit was so approprite. Plus, I LOVE DONKEY KONG!!!!!!!!! DK64 is my favorite game EVER, Donkey Kong Country is pretty close though. The DKC skit was also pretty funny, 'DK'S PORNO HOARD'. All arou just a good, very well made little Flash. This deserves to spend it's days in a collection. Well done.