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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


Its amazing on how manysprites ive missed during my life of snes nes. This flash reminded me of robot chicken, on how its random inventory and switches with the scratch when done. Classic. And I loved the MK/MJ part. That was hilarious! Good job. I loved it.


...thats just about ever classic game I've ever played....I really liked the "OOOGA BOOGA! OOOGA OOOGA BOOGA!!" Ganon...he looked like a fucked up angry Buddah back then...hehehe...samus tits...in my dreams...my peverted dreams....the screaming monkey?...wtf...there is WAY to much stuff here to mention ALL of it...so ill just say "GOOD JOB! YOU GOT MY 5!"


... really, really good stuff. The shear effort you guys must have had ripping all those sprites and backgrouds is very impressive. The humor aspect was pretty good (not perfect, but way above average), the sound effects and music used was spot on and the animation of said sprites (which is no joking matter) was very good. All in all, very nicely done.

excellent job

But was this inspired by the randomness of "Robot Chicken"? Great job on the flash it served my attention span well

Well done flash! Brings back memories as a gamer!

Wow, this flash animation was a lot better than I had anticipated! I'm REALLY happy that I viewed it. It was very well done. Lots of great little shorts. It brought back memories of many video games I used to play. I tip my hat to the author! Very well done! It's one of my favorites! I recomend this to everyone!