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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Damn good

Hey man gotta hand it to ya that was excellent one of the best flashes i've seen in a long time keep up the good work.

Hmm...nice one

You are obviously one of the most talented people on Newgrounds as this flash is amazing. However i think next time you should make a more user-friendly story (simpler also) and it'll be perfect.


It looks really good but is quite boring. That`s all I have to say.


i think that the graphics where REALLY good but i think you should create a good story behind it.plus if it hits the store as a game im SOOO gonna buy it.

Credit as a Flash movie is unwarented.

I will not say that this is a bad movie, but it should not be deemed a 'revolutionary' Flash movie, but a sub par 3D Animation, or mediocre with the mediums combined. Although it is well put together, the native Flash imagrey is not of the highest quality(the fire, explosions and pilot), and the bitmap image quality is lowered by all of the scaling and rotating.

Where most reviewers seem to put there 10 out of 10 is the 3D effects. These are not produced in Flash, they are created in Milkshake 3D with a rotating camera. These images are rendered as a sequence at different angles, and put together , frame by frame, just like a video. His 3D models were alright, but this movie did not show any remarkable skill in Flash. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this site is to rate the ability of Flash artists, not those who happen to put one frame after another and call it hard work. I don't mean to say that the 3D modeling was crap, but give credit where credit is due.

McFretN responds:

I did not put one frame after another. The way you failed to see this proves that your judgement of flash skill is incorrect. The ships have individual parts motion tweened in a way to make it look 3D. IF i had made a new screenshot for each frame, file size would be gigantic.