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Reviews for "There she is!!!"


I liked the choice of music, too, but for a slightly different reason from angelneko. I think that, if the song were in my native language, I might get caught up in the words, and that could distract me (the viewer) from the content of this wonderful film.

But that aside, wonderful artwork, great use of anime conventions, and funny jokes throughout. This film was a complete joy to watch.

Awsome Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, this is my favorite submission on NG, no doubt. You rock. The way the music blended, with the animation, this should be #1!!!.I thank you for putting this awsome submission on NEWGROUNDS, please i beg make something else like this!!!!!!!!!!

-MarkX=D :D =P :) =)


that was asome but what made you use a cat and a bunny any ways great job keep it up

i love it absoulutly

love it !!!!!!!!

There's a deeper meaning^_^

Like I said this series has a deeper thought than it looks a simple relationship causes an uproar. but overall good graphics and original concept for characters^_^