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Reviews for "There she is!!!"


Dude, my respect goes out to you. This has to be perhaps the most addictive movie ever. The music in it rules. I just wish I could understand what it meant.
This has to be the most original thing in ages.

Your Melons belong to me.
Lord Melon.


This is awesome man. Love it

Best thing that i have seen on Newgrounds

best thing best flash, best song, best animation, best best best
i love it soo much, i worship u!


suepr omg i looveeee it i was like..."this song makes this cartoon so great!!!" and now im like awwww the end was b-u-t-ful!

hmmm clearly not homemade but still

an amazing beginning to a long story about a forbidden love between a cat and a bunny. watch for the other episodes people theyre under his other works. great work to the team of animatiors.