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Reviews for "There she is!!!"


This movie wasn't funny (And was a little boring) but,it had good graphics and sound.(That's it.)

Average movie.

An interesting concept. Very entertaining and funny at it's root. The animation is good, the drawings, not so good. The background detail needs serious improvement. This is none-the-less one of the best movies here.


the graphics were good ecxept it had no content. it was the same thing over and over again. bunny chases cat, cat runs away. whats the deal with the bunny giving carrots to the cat? whats that souppossed to mean? it didnt connect with me. the music was well placed ecxept i didnt like it.


this was extremely weird. if i wanted to see some weird show where some girl likes some guy and chases him everywhere and it owuld turn out somehow humerous, I'd play a Sonic game.

Might just be me and i dont want to seem like a kill joy but the music was the only thing i liked about this film. It wasnt funny, or thrilling or 'Arty' so to speak, it was juust a short slap stick kind of tale. Like id just change onto a babies channel on tv, pretty but not special at all. Im sorry its just my opinion.