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Reviews for "There she is!!!"

Damn that was good!

I know how it feels to be chased around by someone you don't like. Only it wasn't a bunny chasing me, it was some ugly, retarded bitch. But anyway, good movie. Great animation.

Pretty Amazing

Dude, that was really good. It doesn't matter if you can speak english or not, just keep making good stuff like that!


cool movie!! cool story, nice length and nice twist in the end :)
I don't get why the score is so low though :(
you should keep making these!! if it doesn't get a high score it should really get underdog


How did this Score anything less than a 5?
The animation was insane, the story was Cute, and hilarious, it was a nice length, and it was even this person's FIRT SUBMISSION!
If possible I would've even given this a 6!
I say Wade and Tom need to get on this, you people should watch the videos you vote on! -_-
Nice work SamBakZa, keep on making videos!

pretty good

i hope your friend can translate these reviews for you becouse your going to get alot of compliments over this video. i would almost expect to see this kind of high grade content on T.V. personaly. you should be drawing real cartoons.