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Reviews for "There she is!!!"

I spent over a decade looking for this after my cousin showed it to me once back in 2011. It has been playing in my subconscious all of that time. That is how good it is

This is crazy good for 2004. Watching stuff like this always makes me a bit nostalgic for a time I wasn't around for if that makes sense. The internet isn't the same as it was. I'm forever irritated that I wasn't born earlier. Earlier enough to at least experience the 2000s in some level of consciousness. Oh well. That's what sites like this a for :)) To give a bit of a look into what the internet was like, and what it can be like today.


i used to watch this all the time on yt kek

I watched this for the first time when I was a kid, and I never thought I would find this animation again.