I already love anime, this just made me more sure.
Great sound, graphics just SO cute and elegant. Haven't seen anythin like this before so great style. Also funny.
I already love anime, this just made me more sure.
Great sound, graphics just SO cute and elegant. Haven't seen anythin like this before so great style. Also funny.
this was truly awesome
a work of art that just gets better each time i see it!
good job and hope to see more from you!
This has got to be the best (if not only) of its kind...good work!
This is by far the Cutest thing I've ever seen, if not a gross concept, but hey who cares! great effort keep up the good work!
The best music video ever...EVER!
I've been watching this submission for a long long time now, and I keep watching it every chance I get. I can't get enough of it. The Witches are an awesome band (even though I'm american and can't understand what they're saying) and the way the song was put to the characters was flawless. Perfect!!