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Reviews for "There she is!!!"

the music rox

This one was the first movie i saw in NG (was the 1° place by then). Its just the most elegant flash in NG in my opnion. Keep the good work !

Awesome. Bunnies and cats.

It's brilliant. It's like Romeo and Juliet oonly Instaed of Loving her, He doesn't. You should definitly make more.


man i love this its very good nice movie the hole bunny rabit thing very intresting and the drawings it self good complamints on the crazy bunny girl

My Grl Loves it!

shes crazy about this fine addition to this great site she downloads this stuff to my comp and says "ur the kitty and im ur bunny" she really likes it so im only helping in saying i like it too...if u kno wut i mean LOL MAKE MORE!

See? Cute can be funny!

I love these cute, cuddly anime series!!! It is also something completely different from the norm here at NG! Keep up your good work SamBakZa!