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Reviews for "Fun in the Woods"

I love all of your other work but this...

makes an exception

TmsT responds:

Unfortunately my "Something for Everyone" approach to Flash genres will do that. Sucks to be an individual huh?


that was fucking awsum man! it was funny as hell and was well made, good work

Good stuff,man!

I was laughing for 30 mins! haha...he got fucked too.

New Zealand accents!

Although it was fairly short, that was still a nice submission. The animation was simple, but well done (especially the characters), and I loved the artistic style and design behind this movie. Nice colour selection and clean, crisp drawing were nice finishing touches.

The writing was pretty funny, and I found the jokes to be quite well executed. Good to see some originality in this department.

I really liked the sound and voice acting; I think it worked perfectly for what you were trying to do (it was also nice to hear some non-american accents for a change). I always like to hear good voice acting, as I feel this often lets Flash down (sound is so damn important).

Overall, a great little Flash. Keep up the good work Tmst and Shadow_XII. I'll look forward to seeing more submissions from you in the future.

TmsT responds:

Cheer mate. Check out "Agents Agents Agents", under Shadow_XII's name.

it was ok

I giggled a bit at the end, whats with the chicken, and the sock, and the flying hand at the end, and your other ceiling one with the "only superhuman" one too?

TmsT responds:

Just a bit of hidden footage. ^_~