Styles low because...
I've heard that joke before. Only it was something along the lines of a cow getting lost when I heard it. I don't remember it well. This one's better though.
Styles low because...
I've heard that joke before. Only it was something along the lines of a cow getting lost when I heard it. I don't remember it well. This one's better though.
Ha ha ha.
This was truly funny. Excellent work you two. Thanks for submitting something that was worth the time it took to watch it five times.
nice one
this was good. make more of this, or others like it. it would be cool
That was great
But he sounded more like an australian than a kiwi. also Australians like to f**k animals more than us kiwis do. Its like a sport or sumin.
I read this joke off the net one time, and you making it into a movie was awesomely funny! Great job just like with all your other sutff