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Reviews for "Boy (full)"

A very classic love story..

Basicly yes, guy see girl, guy goes to girl, the fall in love under a nice snowy stary night. The end. This is the first every animation i've seen like that here on newgrounds. But then again I haven't been here that long.

It's very nicely done, smooth animation and all,
good work on it.

Very good job..

I enjoyed it.


I really liked it. The animation was great and went well with the flash. The music went really well!
Make you feel good.

Music from FF7!!!

that was a good flash. the FPS musta been ultra high. The only thing i didn't like was that at some points there was too long of a pause and nothing would happen. it was pretty cool though. That chick looked like Airies from FF7. was she supposed to? well anyways, good work.

Nice movie...

I thought it was cool...

...and nice use of that FF7 music :P