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Reviews for "Boy (full)"


This was cool,but I'd really like to know how you did the snow.Is that action script,did you move them around frame by frame,or is it something else?


Okay... I don't know what the point of that was other than make me want to replay FF7. I mean, I kind of get the whole sentimental thing, but you have to be in a certain frame of mind...

um kind of not cool

i'm not gonna be harsh, i can tell you put work into this but it really didn't appeal to me. it was really bored trhought it. but i got a question? How many fps was that!? that seemed like a hundred or something

its k

better then the last one you submitted


You basically just took part of FFVII with Tifa and Cloud, and made it into a little film, and change things around a bit...