Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "num1000 512kb cache mix"


I didn't get the storyline much, but this rocked. It was weird, and good.

The animation fitted perfectly in sync and it was so random, to me. Probably not too you though.

I liked the japanese style, and animations with that style of cat are really fun to watch. I could watch this again and again, I love it.

Good job.

I remember...

The first time I saw this was on 4chan.
The 2chan Flash crew can do some really great stuff on occassion, and it's good to see. I'm glad these image post communities are getting more exposure. Which reminds me, 4chan needs help...they need donations or they may soon go under.

lol random

Wow a feast for the eyes. Went by so fast cant make much of but loved it. Asians are superior indeed


1000 GET!
You silly americans dun understand the 2ch culture, which is where all the cats and weird figures orginated from,


Excellent abstract Flash style! It looks very Japanese.