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Reviews for "num1000 512kb cache mix"


I love this music video! Who ever the real author is, my thanks go out to them. Check this one out and, by all means, share with your friends.

1000 posts!!!

I was surprised this wasn't on NG already. I've seen this flash around 3 months ago. It's about a forum thread reaching 1000 posts, thus closing the thread (during the movie note the emphasis on the number 1000). The whole deal with the cats revolves around ASCII art. The Japanese do lots of ASCII art and are quite proficient at it, and a common character is that cat that you see in the movie. ( º A º ) See? Although the "A" is supposed to be upside down, i doubt NG can support J-shift. Overall I think this is a GREAT flash with its fast pace and bumping rave beats.


That... is one of the fastest paced flash movies I've ever seen... beating even the Animutations! Plus, everything about the film is high quality! Even though there is no story or anything, I agree with Flawless_Viktor as to how this would work amazingly well as a DDR level. Keep them coming! I'd like to see more stuff like this!

Man, you guyz could retire on this . . .

I am thoroughly confident that I have not seen a muzikal flash NEARLY az good as this IN MY LIFE. Honestly, thiz should be submitted as a hard stage for the next Dance Dance Revolution. The song wuz intense and insanely paced, but your amasing visualz (incl. graphix, frame rate, and overall style) seemed to complement the audio flawlessly. To make something this fast iz worth noticing. To make something this fast and good iz commendable. But to do what you did, so seamlessly and spectacularly, well, itz just plain PHENOMANAL!!!!!

BOTTOM LINE: Buckle ya seatbeltz . . .

-Don Cornball
-Founding Member of the UnderDawgz

Exceptionally Done...

This was very impressive for a Rave Music Video. The High Rapid beat of the SOng (I say 160beat-per-minute) really pump this video at a high Intensity Level. The Graphics was also excellent composed. I love the use of ASC, Graphic Art, and Vector Graphics. This movie just amazingly blends and twist in a great sense. I also noticed when the Phase of the song changed, your art seemed to have interepted with Video games. ;-) A very nice touch.

Another thing I realized was I seen that cat figure in another flash. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=65628 It was here that I reconized that odd cat with the Mouth? Any reasons why?

Well, in conclusion, this Rave Music Video is one of the finest examples of flash I've seen and would have won Daily Feature Award on another day.