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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


it's the best movie i've seen in a while! i liked the way you combined elements from many popular genres and series, but i absolutely loved the end where you saved nana and she said: I am the Kwisatz Haderach! LOL good work dude!

Very good writing...

Super story,
excellent planning having that save granny button at end.
The violence was a nine because it all happens at the end.
So I feel the replay value is low, but I enjoyed it alot once.
Great three contestants and the host made me laugh coupla times.


very nice

You get, make your time !

Great flash there dude. I love the way you put Steven Hawking in it, this is one of the best flash movies I've seen in a while !!!

Another Suscess

System Matic, GOOD, Pure Intelect.