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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

how can i take points off??

that actually received top marks in EVERY area listed in my view! that was OUTSTANDING! clearly - as with all your movies, the animation and graphics were absolutely incredible and this particular episode had everything else chucked in too! classicly good comedy to tickle even the weakest sense of humour and great interactivity joined with extreme and pointless violence! if this doesnt make the daily feature - then i shall eat my hat!!


FUNNY This better gt top ten, nice usage of Dune (blue eyes, death voice, Moi-Duib!)

That was disgusting.....

but at the same time great


That was great! Brilliant, MORE MORE MORE.. I WANT MORE! Ignore the last reviewer, he obviously only has glass eyes in his rubber head.

When will you make more? Love it..make 'em longer if possible.. FANTASTIC!