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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Bloody Excellent

Absolutely great, I had to save her the first time around....I did not get what I expected, what I got was a prompt to go pop in a DVD of you-know-what...This was one of the more enjoyable things I have seen lately. Good show!


funny shit....nice graphics, great style, nice sound..tho the voices dont really tie into the movements..but who cares...violence, not a lot much until you choose it..and slapped together with humor...GOOD JOB!


nice use of turok and dune, very nice work. i laughed so hard, man it was really good. so keep up the good work.!!!!!. ;)

great i loved the phantasm ending!

the ball and middgets part was funny.and the save her ending was funny too but how did she break the ball?there was no tuning fork in her mouth.oh well great movie and p.s.unlike most people i understand the silver ball part because ive seen every phantasm movie.make more.

this is funny!

poor nana i cant believet that nana was so powerful hahaha lol yeah right, good movie man
make more!