Not bad, or original
Killing old people and making fun with it...not new, but hey you pulled it off. Good for you.
Not bad, or original
Killing old people and making fun with it...not new, but hey you pulled it off. Good for you.
Very good writing...
Super story,
excellent planning having that save granny button at end.
The violence was a nine because it all happens at the end.
So I feel the replay value is low, but I enjoyed it alot once.
Great three contestants and the host made me laugh coupla times.
what is it the grandma says if u save her i dont get it and whys she make rain
AH! THATS FUNNY! AH, THATS GREAT! THAT IS GREATLY FUNNY! Really, great voices, good story. This is wonderfull. Everone should watch this atleast once.
You should have....
You should have made a button so you can go back and try the other ending, other then watching the whole thing again :S Other then that, it was pretty good....had its humour moments ;) but not all of it was funny
- Faust