Die nana!
Sweet film, everything was spot on
Die nana!
Sweet film, everything was spot on
well someone likes Phantasm
great job the style and everything was terrific and the phatasm ending was great! keep up the good work :)
This is definite all time material
This should be in the top 50. Hilarious.
Oh man... that was hilarious! I laughed like a mad man for a good five minutes! I loved the part when Hawking pulled an 'all your base' on Supremor!
I also never expected those drill drones from Phantasm to make an appearance! Excellent work!
Keep it up!
Oh. By the way... Do you know where I can get a copy of that music piece featured at the end? It was awesome! Thanks.
The music for "Save Nanna" is the theme to the movie Dune (the original), available on the soundtrack. The music for "Kill Nanna" was the Dating Game theme song.
dude, she was old
lol that's the last place i expected to see those evil little fuckers from Phantasm.