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***IMPORTANT***PRO TIP: Clicking the armor symbol in the top right during play will restore your armor for 5000 points.

Leave a comment if you manage to beat the game. It seems few have done it before. I'm interested to see what you have to say after beating the game. If you're lagging like crazy right click and turn quality down to low.

Please enjoy. Remember that there are three levels, so if you can't beat the first one (and this game is quite difficult), you havn't gotten to the better parts of the game.

This game is made by me (David) and my neighbor. I am a seventeen year old high school senior, and James is sixteen year old junior. This is a first game for both of us (well, the first one I've attempted to entertain with). We've put a lot of time in it and would appreciate your honesty in your comments and scores. We want to know if anyone can beat it, and yes, there are only three levels (and bosses).

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Sorry that I did not enjoy this as much as most people. Its main flaw was that it just seemed to difficult. I seemed to have a limited number of water balloons I could throw. It was weird seeing water balloons set something on fire! The music was pretty good, though. It's always nice when you go the extra mile and bill numerous songs.

I wish I had more control over where the balloons went. I was thinking I had to put some angle at them, but it didn't work. The graphics are actually pretty well done. My favorite is the squid that comes out of the ship thing. I like the title.

Man, this is ridiculously hard... too fast...

I remember the first time I tried playing this on my old Mac (System 9), couldn't due to Flash glitches on it. Next time, I played on a friend's computer. It actually worked, but was pretty slow. This was actually a good thing; I actually made it to the final boss (this was years ago, it was like some kind of polar bear head in a business suit that hits you literally with a tank), and then died because I couldn't use anything except the sword. Today I came back, and from the looks of it, I'm playing at normal speed. Got through the first two levels, died at Anubis.

nice game


with WASD.


how do you move?


it was taking me forever to figure where i heard the song paragon x9 i don't remeber the name of the game on newgrounds i just remember i heard it and i know the game its just the name that i can't remember used a machine gun in the game though it even has the same exact score as you 4.00/5.00

Credits & Info

4.40 / 5.00

Sep 30, 2006
10:15 PM EDT