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Reviews for "Power-Copter"

w00t w00t w00t

This is going to be one hell of a game when nearly evryone knows it, The graphics were awesome, I dind't liked the style much tough but the violence and the weapons were awesome(came to rocket:D)
Oh and you could place something funny like A clown balloon who is trowing Water Balloons at you without any affect at all.
But besides all that this game is AWESOME W00T W00T W00T :p.

Awesome man!

Good job!

The graphics were awesome, and the game was really cool overall.

The 2 things that I would say, would be that it was too hard, and too laggy. The latter is something to do with coding I imagine, and the former was probably todo withthe fact that you didnt have enough time (i know you wanted to release it for the armour games comp).

Im looking forward to making our game together James! :P

It's so addicting


Rellin responds:

Thanks, we appreciate it.

Great game

I couldnt beat it beacause... at the first boss I had to take a quarter of his hp out to win the level/stage. i had 10k points then i used shield recovery once. the next minute my points decreased without me knowing. then it paused like 3 seconds or so at 0, then it went all the way down to negative 100 something.... i was using the machine gun, dont know if it was supposed to do that or if it was a glitch.

anyways.... great game and keep up the great work

P.S. The humor was throwing the baloon in front of the shell enemy and then it runs into it. yes, im chidish... live with it...

Rellin responds:

I see what you did. You know, it costs money to shoot certain weapons (like the machine gun). For the first boss I reccomend using the machine gun to break off the ice and the waterballoon to destroy his heart!

Thanks for the review and better luck next time!

nice game


with WASD.