At 1/3/07 05:13 AM, ShirtTurtle wrote:
I didnt even call it my style.
I said he tried to copy me.
And where have you seen anyone draw like this before?
Oh come on Turtle, you can't seriously deny that you've taken bits and pieces from all around and fucked with them in your own little head. Whoever comes first, just came there first. Just because you happen to discover something before someone else, dosent mean they cant rediscover it on their own. And i'll set you an example. Before you came, I came. When I drew my characters, they had they're mouth inbetween their eyes. Then you came along, and did the same, for mostly all your characters. I didn't even mention how similar our stuff began to look, just because I hope you didnt copy me, and I know there's probably some people far far away, not even remotely in contact with me, doing the excact same thing. So wen you see something that seems to resemble something you could've done, leave it. If they copied you, consider it an honor, if they didn't then hopefully they'll eventually work themselves out of it and onto better things.