At 11/14/03 09:07 PM, War_Machine wrote:
So I've decided we need to bring in another member, which I have mentioned a couple of times. The two names that come up the most are SohoNinja, and Mr. Silv3r. Before I try to push this issue, I wanted to see if either of you are interested in coming over to the SSM. If you are, then great. I'll make it known. If not, no hard feelings at all....
yeah it would be great to be a member, i think everyone who tries in here is good, and everyone aspires to be part of that elite group... personally, if its only one of the two of us, id recommend soho, as i still think ive got alot of honing to do with my skills, but id still be happy to join the ssm if ever needed, including now if you need us both....
sorry bout the delay of post, i had my aunts 40th birthday party last night (saturday night, i live in australia, right?) so i was in melbourne and couldnt really do too much... but yeah, as is always said, we need to deal with our personal lives ahead of our virtual ones... but anyways, yeah, sweet, im honoured for this opportunity....