At 7/27/06 03:20 AM, xAsCitiesBurnx wrote: If people don't read the first post in the topic what makes you think they'll read this when its 3 pages back?
Never said they would and that is exactly my point. People see sig makers and are going to just ask whatever the hell they want, they aren't going to take regard to any kind of rules posted in the first post or any posted later on. Making a new thread isn't going to change the way people act or do thing.
Yes, but the title is misleading.
I don't see how since this is the only active and open sig making thread around, apart from the BSM, which is more of a shit pile then you guys are trying to make this into.
Do you just go into random topics and talk about random things because you didn't read the first post, like you imply?
Yes. See the thread where they were talking about something and then I posted "This thread is now about Hockey." and it became about hockey. I'm too lazy to find a link to it, plus you can look it up for yourself if you want to see it so bad. Which again shows my point about how people are going to do whatever they want regardless of what is posted in the first post or later on.
I've got a lot of posts now.