5scarecrow- I would like to point out that on the last page you promised to incorperate the name of the person who made your sig into your signature...
I don't see it there = O

5scarecrow- I would like to point out that on the last page you promised to incorperate the name of the person who made your sig into your signature...
I don't see it there = O
Hey guys, just made a pattern-set and submitted it to deviantART. Tell me what you think, and if you want to, feel free to download them ;)
At 7/21/06 03:16 PM, Cryzabey wrote: 5scarecrow- I would like to point out that on the last page you promised to incorperate the name of the person who made your sig into your signature...
I don't see it there = O
I would like to point out that I had it there. Also, that you are a level what 7?
Don't tell me what to do. Co-Flash Author is deffinatlly a re-ward.
At 7/21/06 03:36 PM, -5carecrow wrote: I would like to point out that I had it there. Also, that you are a level what 7?
Don't tell me what to do. Co-Flash Author is deffinatlly a re-ward.
More of an award than what one can expect for a logo design. Take a look over this and let me know what you think. Minor changes can be made if needed. I am fairlypleased with the way this turned out. Have a look.
At 7/21/06 02:34 PM, -5carecrow wrote:
Do you want it done in flash, or as an animated GIF? I can do both...
At 7/21/06 03:40 PM, Turkeybean wrote: More of an award than what one can expect for a logo design. Take a look over this and let me know what you think. Minor changes can be made if needed. I am fairlypleased with the way this turned out. Have a look.
Damn Turk! Whatever you're on, I want some, cause that fucking rocks! I love all the circles and stuff in the background, and the text, and the star with the rainbows beside it. Nice, very nice!
At 7/21/06 02:10 PM, NeoGeo-Revolution wrote: Hey all, would anyone be kind enough to make me a sig that said "NeoGeo-Revolution" ?
I'll make it for you, shouldn't be too hard.
Pestiside can't kill me!
Can someone update my sig with my current badge pls?
At 7/20/06 09:50 PM, -----Connor----- wrote: Hey. I want a sig with a rock/guitar background (preferably Metallica) with the word Connor in large text. The subtext will read OBEY YOUR MASTER
At 7/20/06 09:50 PM, -----Connor----- wrote: Hey. I want a sig with a rock/guitar background (preferably Metallica) with the word Connor in large text. The subtext will read OBEY YOUR MASTER
At 7/21/06 03:45 PM, -tkinney- wrote: Damn Turk! Whatever you're on, I want some, cause that fucking rocks! I love all the circles and stuff in the background, and the text, and the star with the rainbows beside it. Nice, very nice!
Thanks man. It took a while for me to figure out what Iws going to do. I did not want t just throw a rainbow on it and call i good. That seemed wa too borring. I really had some fun with this one. I am happy to see that you like it. Now Ijust have to wait ad see what happnes.
Yo Neo, did this for you, i feel my style has gone downhill so sorry if you don't like it.
Pestiside can't kill me!
I'd like a sig with a dark background. Some blood and gore...and "--ripper" written on top with a slasher style font... Can you do that?
At 7/21/06 04:08 PM, -----Connor----- wrote:At 7/20/06 09:50 PM, -----Connor----- wrote: Hey. I want a sig with a rock/guitar background (preferably Metallica) with the word Connor in large text. The subtext will read OBEY YOUR MASTERPlz?
Stop spaming.. i was just about to post your sig.. but meh.. say goodbye to it
I don't know if it's possible but can someone make a cool sig of my flash "Newground Quiz" with my name on it? If you can't do that, then maybe a sig of God of War with my name on it of Kratos kicking Ares's ass?
At 7/21/06 02:10 PM, NeoGeo-Revolution wrote: Thanks alot!
Ugh! I couldn't really get it to turn out how I wanted it :( Here you go anyways...
I'd like to request a sig if you don't mind.
If possible I'd like it to be animated but if that isn't possible then no problem.
What I'd like is a picture of a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse and the fuse to slowly burn away and then a large comic book ( think cheesy Batman show) style speech box to appear with the Word " Boom" to appear.
If the animation isn't possible I'll have the same sort of thing but I'll have my name written across the stick of Dynamite and picture of Wile Coyote ( from Looney Toons) on the one side of the pic
Thanks in advance :-)
At 7/21/06 05:21 PM, -tkinney- wrote:At 7/21/06 02:10 PM, NeoGeo-Revolution wrote: Thanks alot!Ugh! I couldn't really get it to turn out how I wanted it :( Here you go anyways...
I'm having trouble with sigs lately, they just come out like balls of shit :(
Why? lol
Pestiside can't kill me!
At 7/21/06 05:41 PM, Saulx_X wrote: I'm having trouble with sigs lately, they just come out like balls of shit :(
Why? lol
Well, do what I did. Look at other sig-makers sigs styles and stuff, then turn it into your own. Lol, that's probably easier said than done.
yeah, i only put my own style into my own sigs unfortunately.
Like, i made the one i have now in about 10 minutes, and i've been drinking.
Pestiside can't kill me!
Everytime I look at the ASM now I see an empty shell of what it used to be. It's clogged up with shitty requests, spam, and "Hey have you done my request yet?" posts.
I want to start it anew, with some proper rules laid out from the start so I don't have to see people asking "Hey can i join whu is leeder?" or whatever. To make it clear to requesters what a well formulated request looks like. etc. Properly laid out, well formatted, a clean start, to put all the spam behind. I know the spam will never ever fully go away, but a new thread would help significantly.
Peoples (as in sig makers) thoughts on this?
At 7/21/06 06:21 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Peoples (as in sig makers) thoughts on this?
Turkeybean, Liamski_Noir and I have all discussed this already, and I totally agree with the idea.
At 7/21/06 06:21 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Everytime I look at the ASM now I see an empty shell of what it used to be.
Its being taken care of, we have plans, big plans, you'll see
I need a sig.
Has my name and the same theam but twisted.
At 7/21/06 06:21 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Peoples (as in sig makers) thoughts on this?
Wont work, look at the ISM, SSM, SSMR.
The only reason this place works is because it is really loose, if you start pushing rules (more than the guidelines of sig requests) and you shut this place down then the continues threads of endless sig makers wont cease. One will pop up with ambitious new sig makers determined to make sigs, and by the end of the month their sick of it so they quit and enlist new sig makers. It repeats until there is only two or three active sig makers and the thread gets loaded with too many requests and eventually is shut down.
I am just warning the future sig makers who plan to make this new club, it wont last.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
i got a challenge, can someone make me a bob marley sig?
Anybody can anyone make it?
It is not that much to ask My name and a twist on the theam
At 7/11/06 11:06 PM, BlueHippo wrote: ZeroAsALimit's hitler duck is done :0
lol that duck is hilter
ya so anyway
i would like a sig of anything i dont care
those duck sigs rule