At 11/5/03 11:42 PM, White_Rhyno wrote:
I think it's quite fortunate it's not your crew, you'd be sure to fuck it up. I got no probs with Silver, soho, hellninja, isthatlegal, or anyone else here, except you.
Hooray! hje said my name first! i feel so special....
ok, nice to see that the flaming has kinda slowed down on this page, so thats good.... so heres the deal, AA, your cool, your sigs arent that bad, but shut the hell up and stop agitating these guys to flame you, and they had a point with the whole picture spamming, its not bad enough i have a 56k modem, and telstra has had to slow the line down enough that it might as well be a 28.8K cos theyre fuckheads and wont just replace the line and make broadband able for us country folk, but i have to wait even longer to see sigs made (which is the fucking purpose of this topic) because of stupid fucking sprites and shit you got off im guessing gamegen, which i have the majority of loaded onto a CD and theres no need to be secretive about it...
now with that abuse done, look at the first coup[le of sentences and try not to flame me back... ok?
Chromius, your cool, i have respect for you, and dont blame you for responding... just dont go too far
Hycran, i totally expected this from you, so i aint gonna bitch about it, im not sticking up for anyone else without cause like AA is over there...
and finally, once again, Soho_Ninja, there should be a Advanced Sig Makers club for you, because you make an amature like me feel like fucking off from this club.... once again stating that hes not better than all the SSM blokes, thats like the ultimate par, just a bit over Advanced... sorry, im reading about workouts and shit... damn you seandillon! actually no, working out is making me feel awesome and way less depressed
well ive crapped on long enough, i hope i didnt offend anyone to the point that it doesnt make them think "shit, i took that too far," and makes them think "ima waste this mutha fucker," coz im assuming your all from america, and an aussie bloke like me guesses thats how you yanks talk.....
ok, i think ill start making a sig now...