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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 07:00 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Hey Soho, I have only one request. Do you think that you could make me a sig? I can provide you with the .gifs and pics and everything, and all of the other stuff would be your choice. I like your style of sig making, and I wanted one like you make. If so, here is one of the .gifs.

Sure thing....

Mr Destruction.... I'll add you bunny wabit :)


I'm on potato peeling duty right now, so it'll be a little bit later tonight guys ok

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 07:07 PM, SohoNinja wrote: Mr Destruction.... I'll add you bunny wabit :)


I'm on potato peeling duty right now, so it'll be a little bit later tonight guys ok

alright, im off to see the matrix...latez:..

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

One fwuffy bunny wabbit......

AncientArnour, let me eat dinner and I'll get started on yours.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 02:28 PM, Atomicus wrote: Ok... this one is for Macbeth... I'm thinking it's my best work ever. Cheers! ^_^ Tell me what you think.

Dude, that's really fucking good :) :) Thanks so much

Cheers for the profile pic too, that's ace


The worst member.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 07:49 PM, SohoNinja wrote: One fwuffy bunny wabbit......

AncientArnour, let me eat dinner and I'll get started on yours.

I am just curious, why aren't you in the SSM? You would blow away any of their sigs any day of the year.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 08:10 PM, AncientArmor wrote:
At 11/5/03 07:49 PM, SohoNinja wrote: One fwuffy bunny wabbit......

AncientArnour, let me eat dinner and I'll get started on yours.
I am just curious, why aren't you in the SSM? You would blow away any of their sigs any day of the year.

I'm just a cook, a lowly lowly cook.....

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

Undersiege, great movie. I love that knife throwing part, that was awesome. And when he rips the guys throat out, that was pretty good too.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

You bastard, you did take Shuma even after telling me that you would keep him reserved for me.

-ticks off enemy list-

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

Hey double A what is that website called where you got the shum pics and sprites?

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

Well for one, I thought that you were joking around about Shuma Gorath, Chromius. And I wasn't asking if he was in the SSM you lame ass idiot, I was asking OhoNinja. If Shuma Gorath means that fuckin much to you, then by all means take him.

Hycran, you just need to shut your fuckin mouth. Your nothing but a flaming little bitch who needs his mom to comfort him at night. Maybe when you grow up, comeback and talk some more shit. But all HardAss people like yourself should know that talk is cheap.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 10:29 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Well for one, I thought that you were joking around about Shuma Gorath, Chromius. And I wasn't asking if he was in the SSM you lame ass idiot, I was asking OhoNinja. If Shuma Gorath means that fuckin much to you, then by all means take him.

Shuma Gortha does mean alot to him he has yelled at people several times for taking Shuma.

Hycran, you just need to shut your fuckin mouth. Your nothing but a flaming little bitch who needs his mom to comfort him at night. Maybe when you grow up, comeback and talk some more shit. But all HardAss people like yourself should know that talk is cheap.

im not taking any sides but i think Double A hes Hycran in a corner lol any ways does anyone know another program other than paint shop 8 to make sigs?

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 10:35 PM, Stealth2Sniper wrote:
Shuma Gortha does mean alot to him he has yelled at people several times for taking Shuma.

In that case, maybe you need to grow up and learn how to share, Chromius. Didn't they teach you that last year in first grade, or what? I'm so sick of sitting back and taking all of this bullshit from all of you people who think your fuckin cool cause you know how to type bad words on the internet. Ooo. The teacher can't see me. Shut the hell up and mind your own damn business. I can post in here whatever the hell I want, and none of it pertains to you. I do believe that sig making is not just strictly limited to a few certain people. I don't care if I am bad at it or not. I know that some of my sigs suck, but you know what? So do some of yours from when you first started out.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 08:10 PM, AncientArmor wrote: You would blow away any of their sigs any day of the year.

365 days are alot of days I fear. And since when was sig making a competitive sport? I think you shouldn't be so hasty when you post your opinions. You remind me of when my grandpa used to talk about hemorrhoids, I could just tune you out, but I'm sure you have some reading-worthy material. But get off the high horse princess. We're all here to have a good time.

BTW all of the sigs you guys made were great. I really appreciate the time you took to make them. I have enough to match the type of mood I'm in, or the personality that's in charge.

thank you

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

I was just stating the facts, I'm afraid. Considering that OhoNinja is a pro with Paintshop, I think that he can make a better sig than the SSM will ever see, which is why I posted that he might want to check into joining.

By the way, Hycran. Just for you.


Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 10:40 PM, AncientArmor wrote:
At 11/5/03 10:35 PM, Stealth2Sniper wrote:
Shuma Gortha does mean alot to him he has yelled at people several times for taking Shuma.

Get your facts straight you tard, the only person I gave shit to for taking Shuma was AncientArmor. If one person counts as a lot of people, then you need to learn how to count.

In that case, maybe you need to grow up and learn how to share, Chromius.


You wouldn't even have found out about Shuma if it wasn't for me sharing with you what his name was. You'd still be calling him 'One eyed tentacle character from Marvel vs. Capcom 2'

I'm so sick of sitting back and taking all of this bullshit from all of you people who think your fuckin cool cause you know how to type bad words on the internet.

So what the fuck are you doing now you tard? Are you not typing on the internet trying to be a badass?

Ooo. The teacher can't see me. Shut the hell up and mind your own damn business. I can post in here whatever the hell I want, and none of it pertains to you.

Yeah, and I can post whatever complaints I want and none of it would be your business - until you would decide to take me up on it, which you ignorantly have decided to do.

I do believe that sig making is not just strictly limited to a few certain people. I don't care if I am bad at it or not. I know that some of my sigs suck, but you know what? So do some of yours from when you first started out.
Actually, my first sig that I made for -Z-, I can claim will be infinitely better than anything you could ever do. No, sig making isn't restricted to certain people, the SSM don't claim to be the only sig makers, they just claim to be the best. That's why there's a difference between that crew, and yours.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 10:46 PM, Hycran wrote:
he has me in a corner?
you are obviously as stupid as aa is

Don't laugh to hard, we don't need you having a seizure now. It would be quite welcomed though.

i need my mom to comfort me at night

I believe that is what I said, yes.

now that was cutting edge right there. you for sure put me in a corner with that. you might as well have told me to STFU. BURN

If you say so. STFU and BURN you worthless pile of shit.

grow up eh? well i have been through puberty
which is more than i can say for you.

I know, I am bigger than you. In every way. How pathetic. For you that is.

and i wonder why you tell me to grow up and then to comeback and talk more shit
im not talking shit
im stating facts!

Not really, you are trying to start an arguement, unless you are to dimented to understand that.

fact: you are the coolest

only cooler than you.

fact: you are teh 1337

I am elite, aren't I? Go on...

fact: you are better than the whole SSM

Now that is not true. Because I know that most of the cooler people in the SSM are better than me. Your not one of them.

Im also aware that talk is cheap
but you should also count yourself lucky that you dont live near me because i am quite capable of doing more than "talking"

Like what, bitching?

unfortunatley while your mom is comforting me at night she is incapable of talking and for that im sorry

Me too, because mother jokes are simply not even funny anymore. You should at least try to be a little bit original.


(this is where you step in)

O <==============8 eats dick! its true

You don't have to announce it to the world. Why did you wait so long to come out of the closet?

man you punk'd me
im going to quit the bbs forever

If all of us were only so lucky...

count yourself lucky that i dont feel like wasting A-material on you

I take it that I am number one, then, considering no one else pays any attention to you.

its funny because the goal of pretty much all ASM members is too get into the SSM

There are some good sig makers in the SSM. Like Quam, he is very talented.

I can personally assure you that you will never get it

I hope not, especially if some of the members are like you.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

Ok ladies.... put those handbags down and stop bitchin at each other.

To set the record straight, I MAY try out for the SSM IF I find I have enough time to dedicate to it, and lets not forget that's only if they deem me good enough too.
Right now, I'm just doing this for fun....

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 10:53 PM, Chromius wrote:
At 11/5/03 10:35 PM, Stealth2Sniper wrote:
Shuma Gortha does mean alot to him he has yelled at people several times for taking Shuma.
Get your facts straight you tard, the only person I gave shit to for taking Shuma was AncientArmor. If one person counts as a lot of people, then you need to learn how to count.

You should really learn another word other than "tard". It's not even cool anymore. Not that you would know what that means, since you are nothing but a nymphomaniac youself.


Don't get to excited. You will miss out on all of the pleasure of actually being mature.

You wouldn't even have found out about Shuma if it wasn't for me sharing with you what his name was. You'd still be calling him 'One eyed tentacle character from Marvel vs. Capcom 2'

You may actually be right about that.

So what the fuck are you doing now you tard? Are you not typing on the internet trying to be a badass?

I am defending myself. And being a badass.


Yeah, and I can post whatever complaints I want and none of it would be your business - until you would decide to take me up on it, which you ignorantly have decided to do.

Well, it actually started as a result of Hycran, not you. I take that back, you too. Maybe if you weren't such an ass about things I wouldn't have had to take you up on one of your childish complaints.
(I know that one of you two is going to say something about that, and probably ask me why I posted it in the first place).

Actually, my first sig that I made for -Z-, I can claim will be infinitely better than anything you could ever do. No, sig making isn't restricted to certain people, the SSM don't claim to be the only sig makers, they just claim to be the best. That's why there's a difference between that crew, and yours.

It is not my crew, unfortunately. And I have seen someone in here make sigs that compare to yours, so I wouldn't talk to fast. You might burn yourself.

So how many times do you ignorant and rambling idiots have to post in here and take up breathing air before you get the point and leave it alone? Because I am not the only one who is going to be annoyed.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 5, 2003

At 11/5/03 11:02 PM, AncientArmor wrote:
You should really learn another word other than "tard". It's not even cool anymore. Not that you would know what that means, since you are nothing but a nymphomaniac youself.

So who's trying to put on the facade of a badass now? So you go on a rant about how you're tired of people thinking they're so hardcore because they can type words on the net - then you go on to show that you can use "big" words yourself. Oh man, you're cool now, I would've never thought of such a cool insult. Yeah sure, I could dig into my vocabulary bag and throw some more sophisticated insults towards you, but why would I go into a battle of the wits with someone who's obviously unarmed?

Don't get to excited. You will miss out on all of the pleasure of actually being mature.

Guess you didn't catch the fact that I was actually imitating you - but I suppose you have your head too far up your ass at this point to realize anything. Hell, if you were really as mature as you're trying to put yourself out to be, you wouldn't even have gotten into this flame war.

I am defending myself. And being a badass.

So in other words you admit to being a total hypocrite. You bash people for being a "badass" on the net and you just admitted to being one yourself. Hey, at least you're honest.

Well, it actually started as a result of Hycran, not you. I take that back, you too. Maybe if you weren't such an ass about things I wouldn't have had to take you up on one of your childish complaints.

Again you're trying to act all mature, but if you were, you wouldn't have taken up my "childish" complaint. Taking it up just shows in fact how childish you are, moron.

It is not my crew, unfortunately. And I have seen someone in here make sigs that compare to yours, so I wouldn't talk to fast. You might burn yourself.

Yeah, and if Soho had time, he'd try out for the SSM. I'm not worried about getting burned, I'd gladly take anyone in here up on a Photoshop duel... Or MSPaint duel, since you only seem to know how to cut a picture out and paste it onto a background. Damn, you're good.

So how many times do you ignorant and rambling idiots have to post in here and take up breathing air before you get the point and leave it alone? Because I am not the only one who is going to be annoyed.

As much as it takes for you to admit that you're completely wrong about this entire issue and if you weren't so blinded by your own ignorance you'd shut the hell up already.

And trust me, I'm just as annoyed by your stupidity as everyone else - there's no point in addressing that.

Wolfy, help yourself. I don't usually let off this much steam, but in the rare circumstance that a fucktard of this stature shows up, I say everyone join the partae.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/5/03 11:53 PM, White_Rhyno wrote:
At 11/5/03 11:48 PM, Hycran wrote: white
were not here to bash soho
soho is very good
just like the ssm members leave it at that
I didn't mean soho any offence and I apologise if my comment about him were misunderstood. It's just that AA was building him up as this fantastic paintshop pro expert who could rip anything the SSM does. The fact is, he may be a professional, but I have never met any industry professionals who use paintshop. And while he is good, I've seen way better work in here and at the SSM. Hell, I think some of Silvers sigs rip through mine.

No offence taken.... Oh I use photoshop and illustrator btw, I said a while back I used paint shop pro for 5 years before I started using photoshop... :)

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/6/03 12:06 AM, Wolfintity wrote: I figure since I quit the SSM and upperclass sig making for a while, I guess I could still get practice in here. I just found my Fireworks CD, and recovered all my plugins from back up disks, I can now start making sigs again. I may make a new one for myself soon....

And I promise I wont steal any of your work (joke).....
Hey yall, I feel kinda bad.... I'm flattered that AA thinks I'm that good, but I never realized he was building me up like that all over the place. As far as I'm concerned I said it before, I'm just a lowly cook (actually I'm an E-commerce web developer) and I don't pretend to be some ace graphics wiz, in fact I've had no formal art training at all. I never said I was better than anyone else or that I wanted to join the SSM, I'm quite happy where I am.
Yes its nice that people like my work, but when it gets blown up into a huge argument like this I sometimes wonder whats the point, after all I'm only helping others that can't make sigs for themselves.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

Well, I come back from class to see a flame war... don't mind me, just want to say "your welcome to Macbeth- for the sig. Also, I'm staying out of this little "flame fest". I'll be around.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/6/03 12:09 AM, White_Rhyno wrote:
At 11/6/03 12:01 AM, SohoNinja wrote: No offence taken.... Oh I use photoshop and illustrator btw, I said a while back I used paint shop pro for 5 years before I started using photoshop... :)
Yeah, I thought it as a bit strange that a webdesigner would use psp. Have you got the Adobe CS set yet? I'm stil waiting on a few out of town friends to get me my copy.

All my software ... urm .... wears an eyepatch an has a parrot attached...if you know what I mean. When I find a suitable donor, yes I'll have it :D

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

Tell me what you guys think of this sig I made for myself... I made it from scratch.

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/5/03 11:42 PM, White_Rhyno wrote: I think it's quite fortunate it's not your crew, you'd be sure to fuck it up. I got no probs with Silver, soho, hellninja, isthatlegal, or anyone else here, except you.

Hooray! hje said my name first! i feel so special....

ok, nice to see that the flaming has kinda slowed down on this page, so thats good.... so heres the deal, AA, your cool, your sigs arent that bad, but shut the hell up and stop agitating these guys to flame you, and they had a point with the whole picture spamming, its not bad enough i have a 56k modem, and telstra has had to slow the line down enough that it might as well be a 28.8K cos theyre fuckheads and wont just replace the line and make broadband able for us country folk, but i have to wait even longer to see sigs made (which is the fucking purpose of this topic) because of stupid fucking sprites and shit you got off im guessing gamegen, which i have the majority of loaded onto a CD and theres no need to be secretive about it...

now with that abuse done, look at the first coup[le of sentences and try not to flame me back... ok?

Chromius, your cool, i have respect for you, and dont blame you for responding... just dont go too far

Hycran, i totally expected this from you, so i aint gonna bitch about it, im not sticking up for anyone else without cause like AA is over there...

and finally, once again, Soho_Ninja, there should be a Advanced Sig Makers club for you, because you make an amature like me feel like fucking off from this club.... once again stating that hes not better than all the SSM blokes, thats like the ultimate par, just a bit over Advanced... sorry, im reading about workouts and shit... damn you seandillon! actually no, working out is making me feel awesome and way less depressed

well ive crapped on long enough, i hope i didnt offend anyone to the point that it doesnt make them think "shit, i took that too far," and makes them think "ima waste this mutha fucker," coz im assuming your all from america, and an aussie bloke like me guesses thats how you yanks talk.....

ok, i think ill start making a sig now...

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/6/03 02:01 AM, Atomicus wrote: Tell me what you guys think of this sig I made for myself... I made it from scratch.

nice, i try to stay away from the whole matrix sigs though... simply because _shadow_... shit i mean Formats kicked so much ass

but is a good sig... you've done well young padawan... fuck, why did i say that, im not even a big star wars fan!

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/6/03 02:08 AM, Mr_Silv3r wrote: .....and makes them think "ima waste this mutha fucker," coz im assuming your all from america.....

<SARCASM accent="british" volume="loud">
I'm English but I live in America, so I am going to waste you, you mother fucker (said in his finest Queens English) LOL (joke)

Whas this crap about an advanced sig makers club, you trying to get rid of me???

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

At 11/6/03 02:20 AM, SohoNinja wrote: whats this about an advanced sig makers club, you trying to get rid of me???

ummm, no...? *does shifty eyes and runs into the distance*

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

also, if anyone wants this, just say so, and ill chuck your name or whatever comment you want (be reasonable though, its gotte fit well enough to look good, well, as good as my shitty skills can make it) and ill chuck it on

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers Nov 6, 2003

shit, this is the first time ive ever done this, and now it looks like ive triple posted... DAMMIT!

im not sure if i set it to loop or not, oh well, i can hope

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature