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Amature sig makers

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Amature sig makers 2003-10-22 18:11:06

this topic, is by no means a replacment for the synister sig makers (SSM), as i cud neva stand up to any of their work,it is of such a high standard.

but,i was informed today, that u aren't allowed to post sigs for other people unless u are in the ssm or trying out for them...

i hav made this group so that people who want to get gud at sig making can do, and can post sigs here for other people.

There is NO group here, if u want a sig, ask, if u want to make a sig, make one and post it...simple as (unless ur sig pic is completely and utterly terrible, then u can just STOP)

So..please feel free to ask for a sig, or post a sig for sum1 else here...

thanx a lot


this is a sig for suicide_reject i made...hope he likes it.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-22 18:12:47

no, this is a sig pic for suicide_reject,

(god knows wot happened in the last post)

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-22 18:18:11

At 10/22/03 06:11 PM, isthatlegal wrote: i hav made this group...

There is NO group here...

Those two statements kind of contradict each other... so is this a club or not? And if not, why is it in the club/crew section?

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-22 18:21:06

yeah, it aint a group cos people aren'tselected to join, BUT it is a club, as u post here, and everything is based on the same genre (sig pics).

so yeah...it does belong here..

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 14:46:45

so...seems a little dead..does ne1 want to join in the fun???

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 14:59:53

I am not the greatest at making sig pics yet, but I am trying to learn some techniques from some other people. So here is one of my new bad ones that I made.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 15:23:13

yeah..i saw that in the BMX club...and the other one,they both look gud.

i hope to see more people either posting for sigs, or posting wanting to make em...

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 16:10:32

I am not all that great yet. I am trying though. I think that the more I work on it, the better I will get. Here is a recent one I just made. My next ones will be better.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 16:40:20

I have another one that I made, I'm not sure if I am improving at all. I am very glad that you made this thread, so I can post all of my work in here. If they really suck, just tell me,and I will stop posting them in here.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 16:43:00

Dang, I forgot the pic again!

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 16:43:27

i want a sig...but i dont know what it should looke like :-/

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 18:37:08

Here is my latest sig. I don't know how good you guys think that it is, but I am trying my best.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 18:55:12

Good sig, all uv yours are. I really really really really suck at making sigs, but check out mine. I made it for the BMX club, hopefully if I can get some better tools than MS Paint I will learn to make better ones.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 19:08:32

That's a really good pic for a beginner. Of course, I am a beginner too. So I can't say much. Yours are just as good as mine. Here is a new one I just made, if you want me to keep trying with the BMX Club, I can make a couple more for that when I get in some more practice.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 19:33:34

My latest made creation...this cool looking sig. I don't know if it is that good. I know it doesn't compare to that of the SSM but I am trying my best to learn techniques and other things that are involved. So here it is.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 19:40:10

Thats really good, what program to you use to make your sigs. P.S.- If I were you I would put that one into your sig to replace the Kid Davis one. But, just a suggestion.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 19:44:01

I use a program called photoimpression4. I just recently figured out how to use it, so it works pretty good. I like it so far. I am still figuring a few things out though.

By the way, whoever made this crew, would you mind if I posted some of my artwork in here? I figure that if I am going to be posting all of my sig pics in here, I might as well post some of my pictures as well.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 20:15:07

Well, here is my latest sig. I hope everyone who visits here will like it. I made it Matrix style, as you can see. I think that I am finally getting the hang of this sig making deal.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 20:18:12

WHERE DO YOU GET YOR PROGRAM?! You told me the name but I cannot find it anywhere!

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 20:21:07

I truthfully don't know. I think that you can buy it at those computer places, mine just came with the computer. If you want, I can try to make you a sig like the one you have now. I don't know what else to say. I am trying to find out how to make pics transparent.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:33:51

Don't forget to take out- sig. pic by Quam in your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:46:29

Nice Job isthatlegal! This might work. You all have my SSM blessing.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:53:10

Okay, I made another one. This one is focused on the Hulk..and I don't think that it is as good as the one I currently have, but I tried.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:55:18

And yet another. I tried to base this one on The Lord of the Rings 2. But I don't think it was as good as some of my other ones.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:56:19

Hmmm... I think I'd like to join so long as I have my tryout versions... I'm thinking about buying them. Or not... or maybe... or not...

Oh well... let me post some of my work...

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 21:58:21

Not bad, Atomicus. Where did you get that pic of the Reaper in the background? I could use that to make a killer sig.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 22:00:19

At 10/27/03 09:58 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Not bad, Atomicus. Where did you get that pic of the Reaper in the background? I could use that to make a killer sig.

Hehehe... I always like to *cough* borrow *cough* those things that I find in threads that look cool.. I have an entire folder section devoted to my NG findings and creations!

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 22:21:15

Haha. I think I might borrow this too. And with that, my latest creation. Based off of Killer Instinct, if you can't tell. Lol.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-27 22:29:50

I updated that last sig that I just posted on here with that little pic of the reaper you gave me, Atomicus. Thanks, it looks pretty bad ass now.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-10-28 05:13:31

At 10/27/03 07:44 PM, AncientArmor wrote: By the way, whoever made this crew, would you mind if I posted some of my artwork in here? I figure that if I am going to be posting all of my sig pics in here, I might as well post some of my pictures as well.

yeah, this is wot its here for, and ur sigs look really really gud man...nice job