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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 12:11:39

do i post completion here sir? if so mission complete, i'm glad i got half of it done last night. i got to skip the turd of the week, i did that last night, that took awhile. and seeing that blam movie is sweet.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 12:57:21

At 7/22/04 01:01 AM, JohnJMangini wrote:
At 7/22/04 12:57 AM, black_mage_haxor wrote: ok so i can rejoin now right?
Their requirements are that you need to be atleast at level 9 or higher.

I sugguest you go back and read a few posts to find out more of their requirements.

Just a thought, but i wasnt aware this rule applied to former members that left. am I off on this one, or can an HD L8 and below rejoin?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:06:57

At 7/22/04 02:14 AM, JohnJMangini wrote: Yea,I've been depositing,but I missed a day(yesterday) due to an internet downage.

ohh that sucks well thanks by the way no btw

Infact,I'm depositing right now for each of the other accounts I have.

good if you ever need me to deposit for your main account i can do it

Bibby,I'm doin just fuckin fine,how bout yourself?

Bibby I am still not sure about you having it. good convo last night and had fun after the convo to. LOL it was pleasurable.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:32:10

I just woke up and the whole page is me! I love it! :-) But there are things that need to be cleared up:

Robowing: By one shiny blam I mean just blam a movie! Maybe I should have said get one shiny blam point? O well, too late now.

Crimson: Sure you can get one. Get 7 reviews, flag as many reviews for the Turd Of the Week as possible, no less than 7, and get 15 blam points and at least one save point. There is your mission. PM me at the forums when you have completed it.

_Ghost_: Well, once you finish it, just PM me in the forums, OK? And that one shiny blam means 1 shiny blam point.

KOOL: I don't know what you are talking about...well except for that last part. lol. Did you heed my quote? "Don't forget to bring a towel!" -Towelie. lol. No one has a clue what we are talking about! Or do they?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:39:04

Crimson: Sure you can get one. Get 7 reviews, flag as many reviews for the Turd Of the Week as possible, no less than 7, and get 15 blam points and at least one save point. There is your mission. PM me at the forums when you have completed it.

Ok, i'll get right on it sir!

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:41:32

At 7/22/04 01:32 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: _Ghost_: Well, once you finish it, just PM me in the forums, OK? And that one shiny blam means 1 shiny blam point.

PM? okay...what is that. just a regualr post in the forums?

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:43:51

At 7/22/04 01:32 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: KOOL: I don't know what you are talking about...well except for that last part. lol. Did you heed my quote? "Don't forget to bring a towel!" -Towelie. lol. No one has a clue what we are talking about! Or do they?

Nope and that is a good thing. only used a towell after something happened. Only some people will now get what we are talking about.

PM=Private Message

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:45:54

At 7/22/04 01:41 PM, _Ghost_ wrote:
At 7/22/04 01:32 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: _Ghost_: Well, once you finish it, just PM me in the forums, OK? And that one shiny blam means 1 shiny blam point.
PM? okay...what is that. just a regualr post in the forums?

Private message! Just go to the forums and click my name. Then it will say a little box that says PM. Click it and put all the info there. Thank you.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:50:03

hey, hows everyone doing?
I thought bibby, since you joined the clan on KOL, you might as well join the one on the BBS so people know who you are and shit, you know. here's a link http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=151611

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 13:51:15

At 7/21/04 09:04 PM, wazup190 wrote: well, I knew I was going to become captain. even though quik didn't let me keep the double rank up. I knew HA would come and be like splaabam captain wazup190, that's why i didn't get mad about the quik thing :) but yes, I am a captain and happy to be one.

Since Recon just promoted you i'll let it lie but this was the message i was about to post, (especially since you were going around with Major in your sig for most of last week)

[Okay this has been bugging me for a few days now. Can someone please trace back all your promotions. Your rank in you sig says Major despite you only having the vp for a 2nd Lieutenant. I imagine you got one or maybe 2 promotions but i haven't read where these took place. The "promotion" Heinous gave you doesn't count as he's only a Captain and he can't promote equal to his level, if you were a Captain.]

Jimong5, yeah black_mage_haxxor can come back since he would have the same re-entry rights of an HD if he was a former member.

Welcome back HA, try to watch your account better.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 14:28:40

At 7/22/04 01:51 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Stuff

I can trace them all:

Wazup: 1 From Fox, gave him 2 but realized he could only give one. One from Heinous to go to capitain. One from Recon, I guess, to give him the Major.

Me! 1 from Fox for being a nice guy :D lol. I am now a captain.

Well, paulz, if you want to see the pic I have for the Horse's Ass award, go check it out at the forums...or log on to AIM. I can post it there as well.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 14:38:50

At 7/22/04 02:28 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
At 7/22/04 01:51 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Stuff
I can trace them all:

Wazup: 1 From Fox, gave him 2 but realized he could only give one. One from Heinous to go to capitain. One from Recon, I guess, to give him the Major.

qf promotion of 1 rank (2nd lieu=>1st lieu) 1st Lieu=!Captain <=that's where my question was and now he's a Major. I was just really confused as it made no sence.

=! is BASIC for not equal to is case your were wondering, but since Recon promoted him, i'll leave it at that.

Congrats Bibby on the promotion, gues you couln't pull in the last .02 vp to get it out right, lol. Pick up somemore b/s points, lol.
</ paulz hides in shame at the 5 b/s points he picked up in the last week> :p

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 14:39:43

At 7/22/04 01:51 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Since Recon just promoted you i'll let it lie but this was the message i was about to post, (especially since you were going around with Major in your sig for most of last week)

excuse me paulz, I gurantee you, that I did not have major, in my sig for most of last week, I put it in yesterday.
and i can track the promotions, quikfox promoted me, then H.A. promoted me(but it didn't count) then recon stepped in, and said he promotes me to major. I dont know where you got the idea, that I've had major in my sig fo most of last week, you must be mistaken. Because I would never risk getting kicked out of the army for something like that .

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 14:54:52

At 7/22/04 02:39 PM, wazup190 wrote: explanation

nope you did, lol. I know because i had you at Major for a day before i questioned it. I'm guessing it was when QF promoted you. Your response after a little while was something like (to Bibby) "oh i'm stupid, i'm just a Captain" and then a little while later you changed the Major in your sig to captain. Then i checked the vp and you would've been 2nd Lieu so i left it their till i could find where you got promoted, but couldn't find it.

You weren't in risk, bu i specifically asked that if someone was promoted to pm me on the forums so i can keep the ranks accurate, that's why i was confused. No harm, no foul.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 14:58:56

hey guys hows it going? im here in my camp counsloers room while hes playing the electrik guiter. so i have to be quck.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:02:09

At 7/22/04 02:58 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: hey guys hows it going? im here in my camp counsloers room while hes playing the electrik guiter. so i have to be quck.

Hope your having fun Shoi, we're all going fine here and hope you come back soon. Try to post a message if you get another chance to let us know how your doing. :p

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:04:31

At 7/22/04 02:58 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: hey guys hows it going? im here in my camp counsloers room while hes playing the electrik guiter. so i have to be quck.

Hope he can play well. And yes I cleaned the room like you said i wouldn't and yes I did clean it. Got the new strings to and whenyou get back check out In The Woods.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:05:15

At 7/22/04 02:54 PM, paulz_69 wrote: You weren't in risk, bu i specifically asked that if someone was promoted to pm me on the forums so i can keep the ranks accurate, that's why i was confused. No harm, no foul.

O, sorry about that, I hadn't seen your post saying that you wanted people to pm you if they get promoted, that was my fault.
But I still dont think that I had it at major, but if I did, I'm sorry, maybe i read the rank chart wrong. BTW, is anyone in this club a member on KOL website ?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:17:09

At 7/22/04 01:51 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Can someone please trace back all your promotions?

Haha! I'm aware this question doesn't apply to me but for the record I've demoted one person and promoted 3 people since joining you guys. I can't remember the name of one of the members I promoted but I do recall another officer nominating them for the new rank. My apologies to whoever that forgotten person is.

Welcome back HA, try to watch your account better.

Now that's some damn good advice paulz. If you need someone to cover for you next time try e-mailing me.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:17:24

yea he does play pretty well and did all the painting and stuff get finished?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:18:12

Ya'll should check this picture out. It is funny hope it works when i post it if it doesn't ill go put it up on a site. Tell me if it as good as my last pic.

Not working too big going go put it up on a site now.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:20:01

At 7/22/04 03:17 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: yea he does play pretty well and did all the painting and stuff get finished?

We just need to get are carpet. Since you have to wait about 2 weeks to order it. Also did anybody know that there is a G cup or bust size in women. Someone thinks i might be able to pass someone in 9 days hopefully I can make it.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:22:03

At 7/22/04 03:17 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Now that's some damn good advice paulz. If you need someone to cover for you next time try e-mailing me.

True, i've only ever given Enoll access to my account and even then i changed the password for him so it wasen't the one i normally use. Not that i don't trust Enoll, but we all put so much time into our accounts that it's retarded to leave your self open like that.

Friends turn into enemy's so quickly here on NG that taking chances with your account isn't a good idea. Didn't Bedn take many accounts that way? :p

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:25:26

At 7/22/04 03:20 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Also did anybody know that there is a G cup or bust size in women. Someone thinks i might be able to pass someone in 9 days hopefully I can make it.

ya a few years ago on Jerry Springer they had a freaky bust size show with some over-rip melons, G cup and up. It was kind gross. I'm a boob man myself, but there's a limit to how big sexy is, imho.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:25:48

At 7/22/04 03:20 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:
At 7/22/04 03:17 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: yea he does play pretty well and did all the painting and stuff get finished?
We just need to get are carpet. Since you have to wait about 2 weeks to order it. Also did anybody know that there is a G cup or bust size in women. Someone thinks i might be able to pass someone in 9 days hopefully I can make it.

I'll stick with the everloving d-Cups, thank you very much. lol

Well, it seems like bordem has settled in for me. If anyone has a suggestion of something I can do, I will gladly take it...maybe.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:32:05

At 7/22/04 03:22 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Friends turn into enemy's so quickly here on NG that taking chances with your account isn't a good idea. Didn't Bedn take many accounts that way? :p

True enough paulz, but understand I'd never do anything to intentionally screw you guys over. I think my past actions speak louder than words. If I ever had a falling out with the NG Army I'd just stop posting in here. That would be the extent of my revenge.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:42:06

At 7/22/04 03:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: If I ever had a falling out with the NG Army I'd just stop posting in here. That would be the extent of my revenge.

I'd probably do the same, although i'd probably stop posting altogether and and start making flash to attack my enemies, oh wait, i'm doing that now. Thankfully i won't be leaving, i'm like the bad odor coming from your school locker, you don't know where they came from but it's been there since you came and will be there when you leave.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:42:26

At 7/22/04 03:32 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 7/22/04 03:22 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Friends turn into enemy's so quickly here on NG that taking chances with your account isn't a good idea. Didn't Bedn take many accounts that way? :p
True enough paulz, but understand I'd never do anything to intentionally screw you guys over. I think my past actions speak louder than words. If I ever had a falling out with the NG Army I'd just stop posting in here. That would be the extent of my revenge.

I would post here. Why? I would get banned and pwn3 the NGA! lol. Plus it would piss of the Mods. That is always fun.

Hey, General Recon. you have anything for me to do?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 15:55:57

At 7/22/04 03:42 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:

I would post here. Why? I would get banned and pwn3 the NGA! lol. Plus it would piss of the Mods. That is always fun.

Hey, General Recon. you have anything for me to do?

Hey, i'm done the mission , and I PMed you. Any more you want me to do?

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-22 16:01:51

At 7/22/04 03:42 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I would post here. Why? I would get banned and pwn3 the NGA! lol. Plus it would piss of the Mods. That is always fun.

** almost spits coffee across the keyboard **

Have I ever mentioned how much I like your attitude Bibby? Looks like the character in your profile pic has one going on too!

Hey, General Recon. you have anything for me to do?

You got a nuclear reactor for a core or something Bibby? I tell you what, I'll have a mission for you after I get to work. Right now I'm happy just sipping my java and catching up on some interesting posts. Today is going to be a good day, can't you tell?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature