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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 02:03:19

So, ~X~ I take it you are coming back to the army now?
if so, you've missed alot man. O and sorry about asking for the mission then J-dawg doing it by himself, I was busy practicing flash, and ~X~ you know how much practice I need LOL
So, may I have a mission for myself please ?

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 02:27:57

At 7/17/04 02:03 AM, wazup190 wrote: So, ~X~ I take it you are coming back to the army now?
if so, you've missed alot man. O and sorry about asking for the mission then J-dawg doing it by himself, I was busy practicing flash, and ~X~ you know how much practice I need LOL
So, may I have a mission for myself please ?

TBH,X never left the army.So I think you've got some names confused.

I believe you can do a roster mission..I'm sure they won't mind me giving someone a mission.

You can go back 40 pages and find out who is a current member,who is discharged and who hasn't posted and presumes to be POW.

Sound fair enough,huh?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:06:37

At 7/17/04 02:27 AM, JohnJMangini wrote: TBH,X never left the army.So I think you've got some names confused.

I meant on leave, he basically left for a certain amount of time, or POW status.

You can go back 40 pages and find out who is a current member,who is discharged and who hasn't posted and presumes to be POW.
Sound fair enough,huh?

Sorry SPG, I would say it's fair, but paulz deals with the POW/discharged/ w/e list, I would do it, if he didn't take care of that stuff.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:32:45

I just finished watching one of my favorite movies: South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut! Twas sweet!

Well, seems I have posted a shit load here! lol. 60? Really? Hmmm...cool. I am the ultimate poster here!

Well, I will be up to make a nice 24 hour day starting from 11 last morning till 11 this morning. eastern Standard Time. So, I will be on the GYS. If ya need me, just tell me! Here is AIM fro me: RChaosVoid or you can just post here.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:34:55

At 7/17/04 03:32 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I just finished watching one of my favorite movies: South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut! Twas sweet!

Yea,it seems I missed it due to the fact that the NG Mafia is being harassed by an unknown person(s)

Well, seems I have posted a shit load here! lol. 60? Really? Hmmm...cool. I am the ultimate poster here!

Yea,60 is quiet alot for the fact that it was only 10 days and that you's have a website.

Well, I will be up to make a nice 24 hour day starting from 11 last morning till 11 this morning. eastern Standard Time. So, I will be on the GYS. If ya need me, just tell me! Here is AIM fro me: RChaosVoid or you can just post here.

Blah,already know your AIM name,my good man.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:38:08

At 7/17/04 03:34 AM, JohnJMangini wrote: Yea,60 is quiet alot for the fact that it was only 10 days and that you's have a website.

What? I don't have a website! If you are refering to the thing in my sig, that is a RPG thing that I am asking people to join. No, it is not like Outwar. Outwar fuckin sucks. If you are refering to anything else, i don't know what you are talking about John. Please clarify! lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:41:34

At 7/17/04 03:38 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: What? I don't have a website! If you are refering to the thing in my sig, that is a RPG thing that I am asking people to join. No, it is not like Outwar. Outwar fuckin sucks. If you are refering to anything else, i don't know what you are talking about John. Please clarify! lol.

Ok,let me clear a thing or 2 up.

When I was talking about you's having a website,the website is here.

You get my drift on why I said that in the first place?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 03:43:57

Oh! I didn't see the You's. I tought it was you. Sorry man. My mistake. Man, I fucked up!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 10:05:48

Hey Everyone!

It's been a few days, well quite a few days since I've posted on here. Too much stuff to do, dangit. Well if nobody needs me to do anything, I'll just head over to the portal and either work on my b/p points or I'll flag reviews on the turd of the week.

Later to All.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 12:17:22

What if anything do you lot do? Also how do you work out your ranks and what would mine be if I joined?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 12:55:32

At 7/17/04 12:49 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: on another note 6b/s to 1k

????????????? and in English?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 13:22:45

congratulations badass on the b/p level(in about 10 mins)
wow the topics going pretty slow, where's bibby J/KSLOL
So hows everyone doing today? I've been up all night helping some guy with his website, he saw mine, and wanted me to help with his so I did, does anyone know any good sites to get songs that have been put in HTML code? That's the only thing he needs now.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 13:36:38

At 7/17/04 12:49 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: If you joined i think you would be 2nd Leiutenant or something.

It ok I've found out from the NG army site that I would be a Captain until my v/p reached 6.00, then I would be a Major. What is it that the NG Army does to help NG or themselfs?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 13:47:08

At 7/17/04 01:41 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: No when you reach 6vp youll be a first leiutenant

Well thats not what it says at www.geocities.com/army_of-ng/
So tell me how come your a Major then?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 13:48:21

Well i'm here and posting, but i'm afraid from now on I will never be able to get on during week days, unless some sort of miracle happens, so i'll only be posting on weekends, I hope that's not a problem.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 13:56:57

At 7/17/04 01:50 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: So tell me how come you stumbled across the old ng army site?

Chefcoop, Elite Guard Private First Class, 785-526.
Thats all you will get out of me!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 14:08:00

At 7/17/04 01:59 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: If you care to take a look at New ng army webiste,look at forums for ranking system

Ok, still do the military police know that your acting as a Major, when you are only a 1st Lieutenant?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 14:40:13

At 7/17/04 02:11 PM, mrbadass666 wrote: Chef,reason im major is cause im a good member of the army and ive been promoted many times for certain good reasons.

Well it different an army with no form of order. They set up a rank systum and that goes out the window when it suits them. Go on what are these good reasons of yours? The only reason I would join would to set up a rank systum for those user from the U.K and Canada so they can have the rank style of their country and not the U.S style.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:01:14

Ok, heres how it goes:

you rank up every time you reach a VP milestone, each milestone is assigned a specific rank. Continuous outstanding conduct can earn you a promotion outside the bounds of vp, but when you reach the next milestone, you stay that rank until you reach the milestone after ( at least this is how I interpret) Youve never heard of people getting promoted for acts of valor?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:20:55

Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to say good night to everyone. Im goin to bed. I have to get up early for work tomorrow. I should be on briefly tomorrow . good night.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:34:14

Why are you guys going threw all this? chefcoop, if you dont like our ranking system dont join. We shouldn't have to justify our ranking system to someone who cant comprehend it.
I'm sure any of the gens would agree, he's just being an annoyance.
So, I suggest we just ignore him.
BTW, hows everyone doing today?

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:38:00

At 7/17/04 03:01 PM, J-Dawg87 wrote:

Youve never heard of people getting promoted for acts of valor?

Yes, if you are going to do it like that you need a medal systum for things like long service to the army, blam milestones, saves milestones, High flash ratings and so on. If you are going to promote for good service then they should not be able to keep jumping forward in ranks until their v/p reaches the they have been given. Then you would not get Majors with 1st Lieutenants v/p.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:50:06

At 7/17/04 03:34 PM, wazup190 wrote: chefcoop, if you dont like our ranking system dont join. We shouldn't have to justify our ranking system to someone who cant comprehend.

Before I start are you a Maple Leafs fan? If so sorry for the outbust. Right listen hear I still have freedom of speech and as such I was try to get my head round the systum so I know whats going on before I think of joining and as I'm studying Military history in my spare time I was thinking maybe you could use some help.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:50:36

Ummm excuse me i've signed up for your forums and i haven't gotten an e-mail back saying you've acceptted me. And enroll said i could join. You can check out my profile.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 15:58:49

At 7/17/04 03:50 PM, Chefcoop wrote: Before I start are you a Maple Leafs fan? If so sorry for the outbust.

yes I'm a maple leafs fan, I'm from toronto, it's my home team. :)
:Right listen hear I still have freedom of speech and as such I was try to get my head round the systum so I know whats going on before I think of joining and as I'm studying Military history in my spare time I was thinking maybe you could use some help.
OK, well, it just seemed like you were trying to be a smart ass(no offense) The rank system is what the chart shows, But you can get promoted for doing good work. Example: if I do lots of succesful missions, I get a promotion.
medals wouldn't work as good, because you get more recognition for the work you do, by getting promoted(which dosn't happen often) do you understand now?
sorry, if I seemed rude. But it just seemed like you were looking for an arguement.

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BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 16:23:37


If you wish to join or have already thats fine, this is the ranking system we use in this club, and we do promote for missions and certain commitment, all the members here have explained to you things how it works you should take there word for it as higher command trusts what they tell knew people...

As for a promotion

J-Dawg87 you are promoted up 1 rank...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 16:41:54

At 7/17/04 04:23 PM, -LoveKills- wrote: Chefcoop

If you wish to join or have already thats fine, this is the ranking system we use in this club,

Ok then, just one question. What are the chances of me making a NG Army English Detchment for user from the U.K who are proud of British Military history. I would follow the NG Army rank systum, but just change some rank names and the rank bagdes. This may increase the numbers in the Army, because there are users out there who dislike the U.S army rank style. I know because I'm one.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 16:47:39

excuse me why haven't you guys sent me an e-mail yet, that says i've been joined? if i haven't , i can't log onto the forums to get my rank.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 16:51:45

hey guys wats up??
I am pretty bored right now so i am woundering if anyone can give me a mission or something to do, as you can see I have done 3 missions already and I have reached the rank captain, so I am hoping someone gives me another mission to do.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-17 16:53:20

At 7/17/04 04:41 PM, Chefcoop wrote: Ok then, just one question. What are the chances of me making a NG Army English Detchment for user from the U.K who are proud of British Military history. I would follow the NG Army rank systum, but just change some rank names and the rank bagdes. This may increase the numbers in the Army, because there are users out there who dislike the U.S army rank style. I know because I'm one.

Well if you dont like the system you can ask our top leaders about it, only paulz_69 and Enoll can decide this, but this system has worked well for many americans and other people from around the world who are a NG ARMY member and they seem to not have any problems with it, Now if you were thinking of a new club, I should probably advise you that NG ARMY will most probably be the last of its kind, but feel free to do what you wish, for now we are going with the system that has given us the most success, but it can always be worked on for better quality, so once again i suggest you speak with Paulz_69 and Enoll our top generals of the army...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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