can i get a sig with an orange and purple background... with a shade of black.. with the name Anti-Lobster in a cool font
and you can mess around with other things!
can i get a sig with an orange and purple background... with a shade of black.. with the name Anti-Lobster in a cool font
and you can mess around with other things!
At 10/17/04 04:49 PM, Anti-Lobster wrote: can i get a sig with an orange and purple background... with a shade of black.. with the name Anti-Lobster in a cool font
and you can mess around with other things!
At 10/16/04 10:49 PM, -Kirk- wrote: ConAir this was the best I could come up with, if you have anything else you want added or changed, just say so.
This is an awesome sig man, thanks a lot it rocks, just what i was looking for
always behind schedule.
At 10/17/04 02:22 AM, War_Machine wrote: Here's the revised sig. E-mail me the gif and I'll see what I can do with it first thing tomorrow morning.
K, thanks. i just emailed you the gif. and I must say my first and favorite sig is looking perfect again thanks for the monumental improvement! (LOL Im kidding of course, but the change was great and i thanks you for taking the time)
At 10/17/04 04:57 PM, Anti-Lobster wrote: please
were very sorry you had to wait for 8 minutes and there is no sig for you. we can't make sigs in that time (unless you want a crappy one). please wait till someone gets your request (may not be today).
and speedy or whatever, what was your request?
no ill wait any amount of time , aslong as you nice chaps get it done :)
woo hoo 700 pages. congrats sig makers
and hey, whats the list right now(of requests). i was just wondering.
At 10/17/04 05:14 PM, Anti-Lobster wrote: no ill wait any amount of time , aslong as you nice chaps get it done :)
k, hope you like it.
At 10/17/04 05:12 PM, Psychogen wrote:
and speedy or whatever, what was your request?
I just need a cool sig with maybe some graffitie Possibly animated.
At 10/17/04 06:43 PM, Eyes0nIyUS wrote: wher my sig yo?
whers ur dixionary, yo?
AKA: Kirkus | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 10/17/04 06:18 PM, speedy1234 wrote:At 10/17/04 05:12 PM, Psychogen wrote:and speedy or whatever, what was your request?I just need a cool sig with maybe some graffitie Possibly animated.
i'll try to make you one............................any more details you want to add???
At 10/17/04 07:37 PM, Metal-Sun-Wolf wrote: i'll try to make you one............................any more details you want to add???
umm, you have to be in the SSM to make sigs for people here.
AKA: Kirkus | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 10/17/04 07:37 PM, Metal-Sun-Wolf wrote: i'll try to make you one............................any more details you want to add???
You can not make sigs here. You can, however join the ASM. Anyone may be a member there and do requests. Plus, we recruit from the ASM, so if you have any hopes of getting here, you need to work there.
You can not make sigs here. You can, however join the ASM. Anyone may be a member there and do requests. Plus, we recruit from the ASM, so if you have any hopes of getting here, you need to work there.
that sucks
At 10/17/04 06:18 PM, speedy1234 wrote: I just need a cool sig with maybe some graffitie Possibly animated.
something like this?
At 10/17/04 07:56 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:At 10/17/04 06:18 PM, speedy1234 wrote: I just need a cool sig with maybe some graffitie Possibly animated.something like this?
that's pretty cool, but you should make the bricks in ps too, it looks way cooler, like this
AKA: Kirkus | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
yeah, im bein a whiny B**** but could i ask for a change on my sig again. the sig you made me was ok but now that i see the layout that i wanted im gonna ask for another change =/. Can I just get a pic of alien homind in a cool pose with a sweet background? u can place my name anywhere u want on the sig. it didnt look that great on the left side all crunched in vertically. Sorry and thanks in advanced.
At 10/17/04 02:50 PM, -Kirk- wrote: War! How come you're never on MSN???
My trillian took a dump on me a while back, and I just got sick of fighting with it. I finally decided to uninstall it to make room on my hard drive. I'm working with a 27.9 GB capacity, so if I don't use it frequently, I don't keep it around...
At 10/17/04 02:59 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: War_Machine, must tell you something.
Your idea of making a sig making group as for the 'SINISTER' and not something like 'kings' or 'bests' or 'deity' or 'roxxors', to leave room for a future one that will be created by the photoshop makers or something.. well.. must say that its very responsible (spelling?) from you. I salute you.
- carmelhadinosaur.
Thanks. Truth is, it stems from a my sig text back when we were working in our 'Anybody want a new sig?" thread. We considered other names, but this one seemed to have the nicest ring to
At 10/17/04 03:08 PM, Scooter_Morley wrote: War machine i was away so i didnt see the sig till 2day its fucking awesome i owe u something but wat? oh well i love it n i love u cheers (not gay)
Glad you like it. I'll send you a bill. ;-P
At 10/17/04 03:22 PM, speedy1234 wrote: OK i really need a sig. Sry to be a pain in the ass but i asked for one a long time ago. Thank you. (this is not mandatory but if you have some spare time a pp pic to thnx.)
We've got your request on the list. Just hang in there, and someon will fix you up asap
At 10/17/04 05:25 PM, The-Seeker- wrote: woo hoo 700 pages. congrats sig makers
and hey, whats the list right now(of requests). i was just wondering.
It's on page 698, I think. I'll update it in a few minutes.
At 10/17/04 08:36 PM, AJip wrote: yeah, im bein a whiny B**** but could i ask for a change on my sig again.
Remind me to kick your ass later....
At 10/17/04 05:21 AM, Cyris_Jones wrote: does anyone here know how to do flash?....
Are you looking for a rollover? If that's the case, then you do need someone to make it in flash, but if not, it's just a gif...
At 10/17/04 08:50 PM, War_Machine wrote:At 10/17/04 05:21 AM, Cyris_Jones wrote: does anyone here know how to do flash?....Are you looking for a rollover? If that's the case, then you do need someone to make it in flash, but if not, it's just a gif...
holy fuck ur baq..... Im ChaosMaster.......u banned me from ur original thread a WHILE now that ur baq, is the ban active again?
uhh..still waiting on mine. it was brought up twice but no progress was ever made i guess. ill re post my request..
Being fielded by Kirk...I think. If this poor guy sits on here much longer we're gonna have to start collecting rent.
i want it to say B-Funk and next to it i want the part of the cartoon dads home thats at the credits were he is playing the guitar, not that whole part in the movie were hes playin just the weird little thing at the end.
You can choose to make a theme based on my name or something random. Something unique. The more offensive people find it, the better.
a tree on the right, a pic of kerry to the left and i want "intelligence" in the middle and the little meters beside there pics and i was the one with the tree to be i say around 3' oclock (so it gives you a good idea where to but the hand for the meter) and i want kerrys to be at 8' oclock and a white background and i dont want mine name on it, thanks
I'd like to request a profile pic like the one I have now only not cheap looking :) Maybe a more metalic feel to it and a little more depth.
Pic posted on page 694
OK i really need a sig. Sry to be a pain in the ass but i asked for one a long time ago. Thank you. (this is not mandatory but if you have some spare time a pp pic to thnx.)
Sig is done. So we're back to a profile pic
i need u guys to make me a sig with a nice background with a picture of raiden off of mk, or mazengerZ . i want my name how ever you can do it with a lightning like font
Name spelled wrong in first sig...Noir is correcting.
yo guys, i would like to request a halloweenish sig for......well, halloween. I would like it to have Kaolla on it, dressed up in something (not in her uniform or "army" outfit). and have a scary font on it...or something.
ps:if you could, make it sexy for me. you know you want to.
Being fielded by Juggernaut?
Need to make a sig that goes well with my new name "smear"
go nuts people :D
Can someone make me a new sig? It would be great if it had the Queen crest in it.
Can I get like a Chappelle show sig with this picture in it. Thanks
Pic on 698.
I didn't get a sig. I guess it's because I wasn't specific. Anything would be good. You can make it text if you want. AIM me and I'll give you some stuff to put in it.
Think of the alternative.
Oh the horror....lmao
can anyone make me a cool sig with a metal wolf...... my name in dark colors and some likelly metal background
could someone give me an animated one of an ewok (from star wars) shooting pikachu with a shotgun? that would be really cool thanks
Um could you make me a sig with a couple of chimps sitting around and then one with a crown sitting on a rock above them with DasChimp right above his head?
can some1 make me a kool sig with foamy in it please?
Ok can you guys make me a sig like the one below except bigger and much clearer with my name on the right hand side and the levels and auras flashing through from 1 to 30 on the lef. Heres a link to all the levels you'll need.
Pic and link on page 700
That's 17 total. Still less than what we went into this weekend with.
At 10/17/04 09:08 PM, BioLordKuja wrote: holy fuck ur baq..... Im ChaosMaster.......u banned me from ur original thread a WHILE now that ur baq, is the ban active again?
I'll let bygones be bygones as long as you're willing to play nice.
*shakes finger menacingly*
At 10/17/04 10:20 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote: something like this?
yea that will do for now but a cartoon poo like i said before woud have been better ty any
At 10/17/04 09:14 PM, War_Machine wrote:At 10/17/04 09:08 PM, BioLordKuja wrote: holy fuck ur baq..... Im ChaosMaster.......u banned me from ur original thread a WHILE now that ur baq, is the ban active again?I'll let bygones be bygones as long as you're willing to play nice.
*shakes finger menacingly*
don worry little kuja will be, anyways when are the next try outs?
do u guys do profile pics?
if so can u make a smelly poo for me and give him a face to plz
At 10/17/04 09:12 PM, War_Machine wrote: scruffyhawk:
uhh..still waiting on mine. it was brought up twice but no progress was ever made i guess. ill re post my request..
Being fielded by Kirk...I think. If this poor guy sits on here much longer we're gonna have to start collecting rent.
I don't remember what his request was....T_T
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Kirkus | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 10/17/04 07:56 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:At 10/17/04 06:18 PM, speedy1234 wrote: I just need a cool sig with maybe some graffitie Possibly animated.something like this?
Thnx so much. But what does the stuff in red say?
I would like a sort of mystical sig. With the colors red and blue as the main focus. Also, if you could incorporate the robot from walk smash walk into it that would be cool. Make the sig a bit techy-ish, but don't make the border be too thick. Skinny lines or transparency is ok, I just want to get the most out of the dimensions. I don't care for my name in it, but feel free to put it in if you feel you need something to fill space.
If you could e-mail it to me ( that would much appreciated. Thanks.