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The Sinister Sig Makers

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Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 05:14:18

At 10/12/04 03:31 PM, War_Machine wrote: Oh yeah. here's what I was able to come up with for Foxist Prime. Unfortunately, 400 x 60 just won't allow for all the elements that you asked for...

OMG soooooo coll.
just the flag is not waiving....

oh well, it's the cooles sig i'v ever had THANKS!!!!

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 06:31:25

I seem to have problems uploading the picture.
It says that the pic is uploaded, but this only shows my old sig pic, plz HELP!?!!?!?

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 07:47:28

At 10/13/04 12:04 AM, TheGroovyReaper wrote: thx man

np dude.It's what I'm here for

At 10/13/04 12:17 AM, Gravity-disrupt wrote: Hey i was wondering what do you guys use to make these sigs?

Well, there are a few different programs, people use photoshop,paint shop pro, fireworks, flash, paint(nobody in the SSM), if i've left anything out, let me know:P

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 07:52:58

At 10/13/04 06:31 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: I seem to have problems uploading the picture.
It says that the pic is uploaded, but this only shows my old sig pic, plz HELP!?!!?!?

ok, the problem cleared up.

thankyou for your help, you guys are the best sig makers around.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 07:57:21

could someone make me a sig with a picture of kakashi`s (from naruto) head on the right, and snake`s (from metal gear solid) on the left, with my name in the middle?
this would be great, just choose a good background for it to be on.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 07:57:28

I have been looking for someone to make me a sig.
As you can see, my sig is quite... err....örrr....poor.

So please, can someone here make me a sig?

- Red text: "Erich Honecker" on corner
-Factories in horizon
-East German hammer and pair of compasses fills the sky (clouds too and smoke from the factories chimney)
-Overall style should be old fashioned.

You can add some things if you wan´t to, but keep the original idea of socialistic sig in your mind.

I hope you understood.

There is no reason to hurry.
I can wait.

Here´s the East German flag with hammer and pair of compasses.

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 08:07:53

At 10/13/04 12:17 AM, Gravity-disrupt wrote: Hey i was wondering what do you guys use to make these sigs?
I might wanna give it a try.

I uses fireworks. And hand drawn. Lot's of request. Better get to work..

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 08:45:25

At 10/12/04 10:59 PM, AC500BELOW wrote: Could someone make me a sig with these requests:

-The words "SAW" and "October 29th" in it.
-Dark like a horror movie.
_Have the pic below in it.

I'll do this one...

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 09:13:51

see if you like this...
you didn't say if you wanted your name in it, so let me know.

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 09:25:03

At 10/12/04 07:13 PM, markusousa wrote: Sorry Fusion

come back in a week. i have some school projects and other shit do to and when i have time i'm gonna do some other stuff.
besides, i have no idea what you're talking about, what's so bad about the sig? if you want, post here exactly what you want in the sig so i won't have any future mistakes.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 09:51:28

At 10/12/04 09:30 PM, A-Sun-Wolf wrote: can someone make me a cool sig with my name in and a wolf howling to the sun??

thx i advanced :D

see if you like this one...

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 10:07:17

Helloo... I was wondering, could someone make me a signature? While I'm honing my photoshop skills, this would be much appreciated. Anything will do, just need something cool looking. :)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 10:15:11

At 10/13/04 10:07 AM, Umsutfeersme wrote: Helloo... I was wondering, could someone make me a signature? While I'm honing my photoshop skills, this would be much appreciated. Anything will do, just need something cool looking. :)

I'll put something together for you...check back in a bit

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 10:24:43

see if this fits the bill....

The Sinister Sig Makers

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 11:07:56

Wow, who dropped of the bus load of sig requests?
Here's todays TDL. I'll try to get in and fill whatever I can, however, the wife is off today and tomorrow. So I'll be in and out both days (She get's priority over the internet.)

hey can someone make a don vito sig? I don't know if its been done before but I think would be funny to make one. just put a picture of him and a classic jibberish phrase

uhh..still waiting on mine. it was brought up twice but no progress was ever made i guess. ill re post my request..
Being fielded by Kirk.

Hey can someone make me a cig that says ChaseIsGame with the Green Day American idiot theme, possibly with the grenade heart? I would be very grateful.
Pic on page 683.

Hi could some1 please edit my sig and have it metaly style (make sense?) and could u put on it instead of Major
(Lieutenant Colonol) THANKYOU for your time
gonna have to be a new sig unless Chromius has the original PS file.

really strange sig but slightly techno and futuristic?

i need a sig that has Wade Fulp's head on Hulk Hogan's body, and pointing at you saying "Wacha gonna do when Wade Fulp runs rampant on you gay thread".
also have have an axe on each side of the sig with a cheese burger.

can some one make me a sig with daumer or elten johns head facing right above a conveyer belt and on the belt is babys going into his mouth?

and could some one make a sig for green mask? just make it say green mask in green and have a picture of the mask of loki from the movie"The Mask"

Someone make me a sig this one iz getting old
maybe with this if you lacking material to work from
Pic on page 687.

I want a better NG style sig.

could some one make me a sig for halloween some thing with anime demons would be perfect!... thank you in advance...

could someone make me a sig with a picture of kakashi`s (from naruto) head on the right, and snake`s (from metal gear solid) on the left, with my name in the middle?
this would be great, just choose a good background for it to be on.

- Red text: "Erich Honecker" on corner
-Factories in horizon
-East German hammer and pair of compasses fills the sky (clouds too and smoke from the factories chimney)
-Overall style should be old fashioned.
You can add some things if you wan´t to, but keep the original idea of socialistic sig in your mind.

Here´s the East German flag with hammer and pair of compasses.
Pic on page 687.


Vote, vote, vote!!!! SSM'ers are asked to e-mail their votes to me concerning the two folks on tryout. I've only received a couple of emails so far. If I don't get some feedback, then I'm just gonna go ahead and make the decision myself, gang. Remember, we're basing or decisions on whether or not they've got what it takes to be and SSMer. Ignore any other circumstances, such as how many people are here now, etc...

These guys deserve a fair shake. Let's give them one. As for future tryouts, I doubt we'll see any for a while, but that depends on what kind of continued participation we see from our members.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 11:12:35

My votes are in.
I usually wait a couple of days because of the time differences and the fact that we have real lives outside of here! But half the time, not all the members voted when I called for it either....

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 11:23:48

b-funk has two requests on the list, is he going to get two sigs? i think it won't be fair for the others who ask.
i'm gonna take a look at the whole list later and might grab a request or two.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 11:29:58

At 10/13/04 11:07 AM, War_Machine wrote:

could someone make me a sig with a picture of kakashi`s (from naruto) head on the right, and snake`s (from metal gear solid) on the left, with my name in the middle?
this would be great, just choose a good background for it to be on.

I got this one. Didn't I already pass my tryout a few weeks ago? Oh well.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 11:55:06

At 10/13/04 11:23 AM, -Fusion- wrote: b-funk has two requests on the list, is he going to get two sigs? i think it won't be fair for the others who ask.
i'm gonna take a look at the whole list later and might grab a request or two.

one is for his friend....green mask (or alt acct)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 12:03:27

Hey all! I know im not from here, i just thought about something that might be good for you :P...
Since you are the SINISTER Sig Makers, maybe you should make a contest from the members of yours on making a TomFulp/ WadeFulp/ Liljim sig? And there will be judges, and the best one will be sent to them? Well ummm just a thought i didnt want to leave aside..
carmelhadinosaur :).

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 12:09:18

At 10/13/04 12:03 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: idea

they won't use it anyway so it's even pointless to try.
nice idea though.

and alucard, i think that the one who asked a sig for someone else and himself should ask the one whom he asked the sig for to come here and ask for the sig himself. tried making it as clear as possible, or at least possible to understand.


BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 12:16:23

Anyone reckon they can do me a sig. Nothing special, just a black/dark background w/ a celtic or tribal pattern, i dunno. I the fore ground can you put an aargragargle (Make up what 1 looks like, just keep it weird and tentacles, there must be tentacles, lol) And next to that the word aargragargle in Red sinister looking writing.
Cheers, Aargragargle.

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 12:34:22

At 10/13/04 11:29 AM, Dave wrote:

I got this one. Didn't I already pass my tryout a few weeks ago? Oh well.

This looked good simple.

The Sinister Sig Makers

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 13:37:20

just checking in to see if anyone is gunna attempt to make my sig if not, never fear...

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 13:42:21

At 10/13/04 07:47 AM, -Kirk- wrote: paint(nobody in the SSM)



BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 13:45:14

Hi, i would like a sig. All i want is a pic of Mario,Sonic, megaman sprites chilling out playing snes in mario land. Thanks

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 15:09:46

At 10/13/04 10:24 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote: see if this fits the bill....

That is PERFECT! A badass sig to go with my badass name! Thanks so much!! :)

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 15:29:52

I won't be filling any requests today because I don't have photoshop available on this computer. :( I might try to help narrow down the list later though

BBS Signature

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 15:39:28

Id like to appy for being a sig maker heres some examples of my work :

Example 1
Example 2 Example 3 Example 4

Response to The Sinister Sig Makers 2004-10-13 16:19:43

Hey can anyone make me a newgrounds sig with: Alien Homind, Fighter from Final Fantasy A+, Bitey, Foamy, Dad from Dads Home, Pico, The Square Enix Guy from DOVG2, Klay from Knox, Kerrigan, Madness, Xiao, Mario, and Zoey from Xombie?
yeah i know its a lot to ask for I hope u guys can do it. I've been a member of newgrounds since Assassin was big and ive never had a sig, lol