At 4/11/07 05:30 PM, Abyssus wrote: This guy need real sorting out, real sorting. All fourteen reviews are bull-crap. Not c001 ninjapenguin4.
be sure to look at the second page.
At 4/11/07 05:30 PM, Abyssus wrote: This guy need real sorting out, real sorting. All fourteen reviews are bull-crap. Not c001 ninjapenguin4.
be sure to look at the second page.
At 4/11/07 05:49 PM, Dark-Crimson-King wrote:At 4/11/07 05:30 PM, Abyssus wrote: This guy need real sorting out, real sorting. All fourteen reviews are bull-crap. Not c001 sure to look at the second page.
Never noticed, thanks for that. By the way, if the mods delete reviews beforehand do you still recieve points? Or is that obvious... hp?id=67277&page=3
Mikens727 and gobalmighty. Check out page 9 for a cheap shot at Tom and this site. Page 11 has 2 more at least.
If you would like to discuss something do not hesitate to contact me
At 4/11/07 05:54 PM, Abyssus wrote: Never noticed, thanks for that. By the way, if the mods delete reviews beforehand do you still recieve points? Or is that obvious...
what do you mean if the mods delete beforehand? if they deleted the review beforehand then you wouldnt have been able to flag it because it wont be there.
At 4/11/07 06:00 PM, Solidone wrote:At 4/11/07 05:54 PM, Abyssus wrote: Never noticed, thanks for that. By the way, if the mods delete reviews beforehand do you still recieve points? Or is that obvious...
Not unless YOU flagged it, but if you didn't then only certain people will. !UNLESS! No one flagged it, and it gets deleted, though I've never seen it done.
what do you mean if the mods delete beforehand? if they deleted the review beforehand then you wouldnt have been able to flag it because it wont be there.
Read the fucking question.
At 4/11/07 05:49 PM, Dark-Crimson-King wrote:At 4/11/07 05:30 PM, Abyssus wrote: This guy need real sorting out, real sorting. All fourteen reviews are bull-crap. Not c001 sure to look at the second page.
remember, if the person CAPS LOCKS through most of the body of the reveiw you count it as abusive. And if you do crap like hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhah through most of it like that one guy
At 4/11/07 06:20 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: remember, if the person CAPS LOCKS through most of the body of the reveiw you count it as abusive. And if you do crap like hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhah through most of it like that one guy
All caps reviews are not considered abusive, inless it's straight up spam/ stat whoring.
Get your facts straight before you think you know shit.
At 4/11/07 06:35 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:At 4/11/07 06:20 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: remember, if the person CAPS LOCKS through most of the body of the reveiw you count it as abusive. And if you do crap like hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhah through most of it like that one guyAll caps reviews are not considered abusive, inless it's straight up spam/ stat whoring.
Get your facts straight before you think you know shit.
Why do you just look for threads where you think you can get one over on people and then give them some verbal abuse after correcting them. just stop being an annoying little prick.
Alright everyone, stop your e-penis fighting. No need for the flaming of one another, if you have a question ask it, and if you "KNOW" the answer or can help in any kind of way, please reply to the thread accordingly. If you can't do that, just post your links and move along.
Us mods can delete reviews if they are fresh withou flags, after a time period has gone, they have to be flagg to a certain point to be eligble for review. So yes, it is technically possible to get a review deleted before any flags are done.
At 4/11/07 06:44 PM, kidray76 wrote: Us mods can delete reviews if they are fresh withou flags, after a time period has gone, they have to be flagg to a certain point to be eligble for review. So yes, it is technically possible to get a review deleted before any flags are done.
That's what I said.
At 4/11/07 06:47 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:
we got a 9 year old
At 4/11/07 06:53 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:At 4/11/07 06:47 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:we got a 9 year oldDUH.
I love Kidray, he's the man. LEIK OMFG I LUHH YEW KIDRAI76 <3
At 4/11/07 06:35 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:At 4/11/07 06:20 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:All caps reviews are not considered abusive, inless it's straight up spam/ stat whoring.
Get your facts straight before you think you know shit.
most of it is spamming. and im going to try to ignore the rest of your posts. TRY hp?pagea=100&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=310349
Pico School needs cleaning hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=8 - very bottom one. hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=7 - reviews for History of Nibble Stick and Clock Day '06 asdf.
At 4/11/07 07:11 PM, Solidone wrote: hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=8 - very bottom one. hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=7 - reviews for History of Nibble Stick and Clock Day '06 asdf.
You do realize who you are attacking? If you want to play that way take a look at my 3-foot Ninja on
this page. Yeah, oops I screwed up. Maybe you should check my Overall Rating: 0 too.
At 4/11/07 07:29 PM, MissingNYC wrote: im still in gerbage?! wtf!
Im pretty sure if you flag one review wrongly you get a garbage whistle. then you have to make 10 correct flags to get back to normal. I was told this yesterday. not 100% sure if thats correct.
this guy has a couple.
check pages 17 and 16 as well, this guy has a fair few abusive ones hp?pagea=15&pageb=-1&sort=rating&id=204230 hp?id=152440&page=3 hp?id=137875&page=3
At 4/11/07 07:11 PM, Solidone wrote: hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=8 - very bottom one.
Dude, you're a fucking idiot. I'm leaving it at that. Flag away, faggot.
At 4/11/07 07:40 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:At 4/11/07 07:11 PM, Solidone wrote: hp3?sort=rating&user_id=1678179&page=8 - very bottom one.Dude, you're a fucking idiot. I'm leaving it at that. Flag away, faggot.
Im an idiot cause you have a few abusive reviews. oh sorry, my bad.
At 4/11/07 07:37 PM, BocesPlayer wrote:You do realize who you are attacking? If you want to play that way take a look at my 3-foot Ninja on
this page. Yeah, oops I screwed up. Maybe you should check my Overall Rating: 0 too.
yeh, just when he started annoying me i checked his profile and found a few crap reviews. I catn find your 3-foot ninja though, dont know what you are on about there.
At 4/11/07 07:42 PM, Solidone wrote:
yeh, just when he started annoying me i checked his profile and found a few crap reviews. I catn find your 3-foot ninja though, dont know what you are on about there.
haha nice one. since he is a faggot, lets try to get him banned
At 4/11/07 07:49 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:At 4/11/07 07:42 PM, Solidone wrote:yeh, just when he started annoying me i checked his profile and found a few crap reviews. I catn find your 3-foot ninja though, dont know what you are on about there.haha nice one. since he is a faggot, lets try to get him banned
God this is pointless. This is not the place for flaming. Really, you are the last one that should be talking garbage whistle. It's the only damn credit that counts in here.
At 4/11/07 07:56 PM, BocesPlayer wrote:
God this is pointless. This is not the place for flaming. Really, you are the last one that should be talking garbage whistle. It's the only damn credit that counts in here.
ok, ok im done, really. Ive got myself deep into the garbage whistle. (No pun intended)
ALRIGHT! Stop the flaming. If you REALLY want to flame someone, sent the person a PM.
Christ, atleast Solidone had the fucking courtesy to send me a PM, maybe you guys will learn something from us.
NOW, continue with the abusive links exchange.
I did all the stuff... then I relized how old this stuff was, now my wistle leveles garbage :-(
does that hurt anything besides whistle levle?
join please... its a slowly growing forum comunity that is funn and awsome...
At 4/11/07 08:09 PM, pik-man wrote: I did all the stuff... then I relized how old this stuff was, now my wistle leveles garbage :-(
does that hurt anything besides whistle levle?
No, but if you wanted to flaga stolen/abusive flash in the portal during judgement, you would need a hell of alot more whistle power to get it flagged.
At 4/11/07 08:11 PM, kylexthexpostman wrote:At 4/11/07 08:09 PM, pik-man wrote: I did all the stuff... then I relized how old this stuff was, now my wistle leveles garbage :-(No, but if you wanted to flaga stolen/abusive flash in the portal during judgement, you would need a hell of alot more whistle power to get it flagged.
does that hurt anything besides whistle levle? hp?id=217746&page=1 Page 1: XxHalo3pimpxX, MrDeath92, Punk777.
Page 2: gamerbabe16, Groucho-Marx, Sollet
Page 3: Alex215, Wretchedfreak
Page 4: DChild (insulted America!), DrManhattan, Rayde6
No Page 5, Page 6 however: SGTPeppers1337, Zerothehunter
Page 7: satanist666, St0ned-Hippie
Page 8: alienwarrior
Page 9: Eikenhout
Page 11: BigDough
Page 12: Zwertzic, solidusliquisol
Enjoy, I hope you all get a new whistle
If you would like to discuss something do not hesitate to contact me
thanks for the help. my whistle is broken still, but i know it doesn't effect voting power.
join please... its a slowly growing forum comunity that is funn and awsome... hp?pagea=-1&pageb=4&sort=rating&id=373258
The review by mjnoir1.