Woo! I got deity whistle! To celebrate, here's a massive list of abusive reviews:
Solid Snake is Under Fire
Metal Gear Crisis 1.1
demongirlx1, Raulkill, chrome1718, PainofLife, ninboy90, The-Good, jorgedefish, Braiden99, ShadowD, internetpenguin, KronikSausage, Peasant-Chick, etc...
Metal Gear Mario
QuJee, Rubberchix, emp1r3, Goathouse, win1t, C317304337355, Wakle (more constructive criticism), patrick-helm, Soulnirvana7, RevoIver-OceIot, Super-Evil, Stormrider669, FunFace, Jaxander, Bearperson, Amestopleeze, TravaniusMaximus (not constructive), NotPayingBum, antmaster1, ace93242, etc...
MGS 3: Crab Battle
GamecueX, NateUK, forwardtothepast, sniper420, TFK68, Tomas-asdphd (screwed-up rating), 269, filofido, shadows-death, Dark-Raven22, lifelifelie, HaloIsThaBest, Xero-Frost, SamuraiChamploo, Fautumn, Just-My-Opinion, Kattler, requiescant, etc...
Metal Gear Crisis 1.2
Dokemon, Marius-II, the-face, LtCaptain, Dramolcan, I-Luv-Black-People, Norg (do we really need that?), etc...
MGS Missile Skipe 2.0
oo7420, Tosa737, B-HoS-V, CrAfTy-DrAgOn-54, Goth1337, crazy07gamer, thekiedude.
MGS: Shopping
Darth-Chronus, Lannick, Strikerz12, Zombieslayer, Pic-a-mix, cordy1, DrEggman, MikGertso, Shimdut, KEWB, TehBigBoss, Dutchdude, DeathBlade457, Randomname, etc...
MGS: TAS Episode 1
ZenMicroClock, geobo88, Zumditch, MoonPieMat, solidsnake2341, clownhero, rindotheraven, Carf, yenkofaction22, arkitektreturns.
Metal Gear Muffin Mission
Kohiro19, Kicka**psycho, RINGMASTER666.
Go "Boom! Headshot!" Abusive People in the CS Section
Mist-Man, ZeroWarrior, CrimsonRed, Terrathus, hi-my-a**, OrganSplitter, lukedeee, iluvmadness, etc...
13mikejames13, why-me, Spoogie, Syn3rgy-RiSinG (screwed-up rating), ghimpheng, numbnumb80, dedbutstillhating, Jegli555, Sephiroth1Angel.
Counterstrike SF142 (pages 29-24)
comptona**terry1, midgeman13, crispycheese, firstshadow, unknown117, specialkills123, Ratso, weissberv, baraka1, Everdying, Karskin, FlamingArrow, lobsternoob, da-terminator, DeadHello, 3psilon, kika**moves (lay off the caps), colghostalpha, supra-speed, ShadowWolf9, da-menace1, CsSnake6, NIK12787, DEMODUDE, joshie128, McPsydude, guesswhowal, xmorbidx, PharaohRamsesII, RaTeR-X, Seek-and-or-destroy, TheDemiGod (more constructive), XtremeBob99, shadowfox628 ("BLAM THIS THING"), etc...